Errink ~ Ink's Bday!!

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This is a short, shitty lemon. Beware.

Ink grinned, looking around at the people at his party. He liked having alot of friends, although they did get out of hand sometimes. His grip tightened around the phone in his hand, fear hitting him. Maybe he wasn't coming.

He had invited Error to come, desperately wanting to get closer to the supposed forced destroyer. Sure, he felt bad, but he didn't understand why he didn't tell him. Never mind, he didn't want to listen to the glitch.

He yelped when someone barrelled into him, looking behind him only for his jaw to drop. Blue had attacked him from behind, but he quickly noticed that the other was suddenly taller than usual.

"What the actual hell?!" He got smacked on the back of the skull, groaning lightly as he turned to glare at Dream. The positive glared back, scoffing as he held out a swear jar. Ink stuck his tongue out, grabbing the jar from the others grip.

"It's my birthday dick, I do as I please. Besides, don't think I didn't here you sweet talking Killer that one night~" A bright blush hit Dream's cheekbones as he huffed. Ink snickered, Blue laughing his non-existent ass off. In Ink's opinion, that night was entertaining. He realized his friend could dominate someone easily, along with that he had blackmail for cussing.

"Whatever, anyways back to Blue, when did you grow taller?" The skeleton stopped laughing, grinning at the question. Standing up straight he puffed his chest out, acting as if he had just saved someone and was currently pretending that it was natural duty.

"I have no clue!" Dream jaw dropped while Ink started laughing, almost dying from how stupid the response was. Blue's grin only seemed to widen as he heard the door open, glancing to see a group of six walk in.

"But I'm using this to my advantage to seduce Dust!" The energetic skeleton watched the group look around, carefully dispersing among the crowd. One, however, had noticed the talking trio and decided to come over.

"Ah, hey Blue, you..." The skeleton looked at him, his sockets widening while a blush began to form. Quickly tugging on his hood he glanced at the other two with a confused look, the two shrugging in response. Blue noticed and laughed, grabbing the now smaller skeleton's hand and tugging him somewhere.

"I have no explanation Dusty, but let's get some food!" Dust only nodded, trying to hide inside his hood as the other pulled him towards the table conveniently placed in the corner. Dream and Ink watched them go, the artist grinning and nodding slightly.

"Yeah, Blue's definitely going to fuck him." Dream sighed, nodding as well as he felt something tap his shoulder. Turning around he smiled, grabbing the skeleton's hand that had tapped him.

"Heya Kills, I see you and Cross finally convince Night to come." Killer laughed, kissing the taller skeleton in the cheek as he looked back at the entrance. Nightmare and Cross were still standing near it, the monochrome holding a soft blush as he leaned on the taller.

"It was more Cross, especially considering he can get his way if he just submits his body to Night." Killer laughed, Ink chuckling while Dream frowned.

"He shouldn't have to do that." The crying skeleton looked at him with a grin, standing on his tippy toes and patting the taller skeleton on the skull.

"Don't worry Dreamy, he only does it at times, Nightmare normally give Cross what he wants anyways. Despite the oreo not wanting anything." Dream sighed, glancing at his brother. They locked gazes for a second before Nightmare raised his hands, making a hole with one and shoving his other finger in it. All with a blank stare.

The stare only changed to a smirk when Dream blushed, knowing exactly what he was insinuating. Shaking his skull he smiled down at Killer, waving Ink a farewell as he dragged the smaller somewhere. Ink sighed, knowing he was all alone now.

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