Bad Guys x Cross

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The Bad Sanses walked into the living room, all tired out from a recent battle. Groans and whines left the idiotic trio of the group as they flopped onto the couch. The tallest of the three looked at the other three, dazed slightly as he saw the shortest of them huff.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Cross?" A grin formed on the tallers face as Cross glared at him, placing his hands on his hips as he looked over at the wall. He didn't respond immediately, seeming to having a mental conversation with the wall before turning to him.

"Nothing Horror, nothing at all." Horror shrugged, watching as the monochrome moved a stray strand of hair back. He was curious how the other looked with his hair down instead of slicked back. He felt something jab into his side, looking down to see his friend, Killer, smiling at him.

"You know, we all like the little oreo and I'm pretty sure we're all curious about his hair..." The teary eyed boy whispered. Dust, who happened to be paying attention for once, nodded eagerly. The trio looked between eachother before nodding, looking over at the other two they needed to group with.

Cross was speaking to the other two males, his pale hand twitching around his golden locket. Killer grinned and shifted his way out of the dog pile, sitting cross-legged. The monochrome boy sighed before turning away.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." The albino walked away, leaving everyone else to get settled in the living room. The other two males looked at the mischievous trio, the smaller of the two sighing.

"What are y'all planning this time?" The ravenette groaned, snapping his fingers to form his strings. They quickly summoned, moving around to make a hammock. He got on the hammock, leaning back and glaring at the trio.

"I'm sure you want to see Cross with his hair down, am I right Error?" The male huffed, pulling his hood over his head. The boy with jet black hair beside him sighed before sitting on the couch, leaning back into it. He seemed to contemplate the idea, a faint blush rising to his cheeks as he looked at him.

"Do whatever your planning." Horror whooped, Dust grinning as he got up and dashed after Cross. The male on the couch squinted, looking after the hooded male before looking at Horror.

"What is it that your planning?" Killer chuckled, leaning forward with a mischievous look.

"We're dragging him back in here by taking the most precious thing to him~" The two males sat up straight, glancing at eachother with wide eyes.

"You don't mean..." Error trailed off, noticing Dust enter the room again with what he had assumed they'd grab. Cross's locket swayed gently in the hooded males grip, a grin on his lips.

"Nightmare, this is absolutely ludicrous! We have no clue what Cross might do when he sees it's gone!" Night sighed, leaning back into the couch. He nodded slowly, closing his eyes to rest them.

"We won't know unless we try, Error." The male scoffed, glaring at their supposed leader. He thought to what the albino might look like with his hair down, a small blush filtering onto his cheeks. Sighing he layed back, deciding to rest his eyes as well.

Silence flooded the room as they had nothing left to say, excitement for the monochrome to return from his shower. Killer began to fidget, being impatient with how long the other was taking. Why did Cross take this long of showers? Maybe it was to get rid of all that shit he used to keep his hair slicked back.

"Why does he even keep his hair slicked back?" The others looked at him, starting to ask themselves that question as well. Nightmare snickered from his spot, a smirk resting of his face.

"Maybe it's because he's the shortest and he's trying to seem tough?" The others started laughing, Dust cutting in after he stopped choking on air.

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