Cream ~ Sugar Daddy

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There is a lemon
Dom Dream for people who have come this far without looking at the rules.
You're welcome

A curious skeleton wandered down the street, his heterochromatic eyelights scanning the different displays in the windows. Knowing he needed none of it he just looked, still enjoying the sight of the pretty items in the glass.

The monochrome skeleton wore a white off the shoulder long sleeve shirt, it being tucked into his black short shorts. A black belt was around his waist, holding his shorts in place and completing his look. Small white details were painted onto the belt, some crossing over to make an 'x' everynow and then. A small gold locket layed around his neck, a red zig zag scar resting on his right cheek. He wore white trainers, small black 'x's painted on the sides.

"Cross, you can get something if you'd like." The monochrome turned around, two skeletons standing behind him. The taller one was smirking, eyeing the skeleton beside him with a mischievous glint in his sockets. He wore a teal hoodie and tan capris, a white shirt peaking from under the hoodie. He also wore brown trainers, an ink splotch placed on his right cheek.

The second skeleton was a tad shorter than the other, still taller than the monochrome. He had a blue shirt on, a yellow jacket over it with a pair of blue jeans. He wore yellow sneakers, a small chain with a sun pendant around his neck. A gold ringlet rested on his skull as he looked at the monochrome with a concerned look. The smaller smiled and shook his skull, walking back over to the skeleton and hugging his arm.

"I'm fine papi, just looking at the pretty things." He had a happy tone, the positive sighing before smiling and continuing the walk. Small conversation ensued from there, the tallest skeleton talking about random things that had happened in the past week. It didn't take long for the shortest to get lost in his thoughts, his eyelights traveling over the numerous items in the windows.

"Anyways, Dream, Blue said he had to cancel our..umm.. what was it?" He looked at his friend, the skeleton sighing as he shot the taller an annoyed look.

"Must you forget every important detail? It was a hangout you numbskull." The taller chuckled, his arms folding behind his head as he looked ahead. Dream sighed, glancing at the smaller on his arm before looking at his friend again.

"Ah, that's right. And you are correct, I tend to forget important details only. Ignoring that fact, Blue said he was busy with Dust at the moment." The skeleton snickered, his mind going back to the phone call he had with the skeleton, Blue ranting on and on about how he had to 'take care' of his poor little Dust. He was sure the blue skeleton was going to fuck him, the psychopath probably turning him on in some way.

"Ink, don't you dare start a conversation about him fucking Dust or so Toby Fox help me." Dream groaned, knowing his friend and his...perverted tendencies. Cross giggled from on his arms, leaning forward and peering up at the inkblot.

"You can't spell kinky without inky~" Ink busted out laughing, the monochrome laughing along with him. Dream sighed, lightly smacking the smaller on the top of his skull. Cross whined, pouting at the positive.

"Aww, don't be salty about a good joke Dreamy~" Ink teased, a small blush forming on the positives cheekbones. A creepy smile formed on his skull as he unwrapped Cross's arms, turning towards his taller friend with a unknown glint in his sockets.

"You better start run-" He stopped himself when Cross gasped, lightly tugging at his sleeve to get his attention. Looking back he saw the smaller looking up at him with almost a shy expression.

"Yes, Flieder?" A small blush formed on Cross's cheeks as he pointed over somewhere. Dream looked up, expecting to see some sort of item. He was shocked to see him pointing at another skeleton.

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