•I - Bet•

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IT WAS another, and the last, year of Hogwarts for Draco, he hated school, if not only for his mother he wouldn't have stayed in this pathetic excuse for a wizarding school, who let muggles in.

Sighing, he entered his Potions class, and since he was the last one, the last seat that wasnt occupied was beside a Gryffindor girl. Draco groaned, not only was she a Gryffindor, it was Blaise's girlfriend too. Why didnt Blaise sit with her?

Looking around, Draco saw his bestfriend beside a fellow Slytherin, his arms around her waist. The blonde smirked, he must've dumped her.

Sitting down beside the Gryffindor, Draco put out his quill and started writing the date on a piece of parchment

The girl noticed the blonde and raised an eyebrow, "what are you doing here?" she asked coldly

"there arent any seats available, Eve" he rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hair

"you should've just changed seats with that Slytherin girl" the Gryffindor mumbled, but Draco heard

Raising an eyebrow, "are you jealous?"

"why would i? He ended things with me, and he cheated, so no, i'm not jealous, just mad" She said and sighed

Draco just shrugged and soon, professor Snape barged in and started the class right away.

The whole class was quiet, and they didnt brew anything, so it was quite boring, although, it was Draco's favorite subject, so he kind of enjoyed learning new stuff.

Soon, the class has finished, everyone got up and left the classroom, going to their next subject. But Snape called out to Y/N, making Draco, who was the last one in the classroom, raise an eyebrow

The blonde boy pretended to fix his bag, when in reality, he's trying to eavesdrop

"it's only been a week of school, Y/N, and you're already failing" Snape said, "if your grades dont go up, i'm not sure you'll be able to graduate"

The professor isn't fond of Gryffindors, but for some reason, he had a soft spot for Y/N, making some Slytherins hate her more than they already do. Besides the fact that she was the girlfriend of one of the hottest Slytherins, Snape actually likes her

Draco heard the girl sigh, "i understand professor. I'll try to study harder"

"i know you wont" Snape shook his head, then an idea popped inside his head, glancing at Draco, "but perhaps you'd like a tutor?"

With that, Draco's head perked up, he met Y/N's eyes

The girl looked at Snape once again, "him? Out of everyone, it had to be him?"

The professor raised an eyebrow, "would you rather have Blaise, then?"

"what?! No! I mean, why not Hermione or someone?" Y/N argued

"but Draco is on top of the class"

Draco couldn't help but grin, being smart had its pros

"yeah, he's a smartass, so what?"

And its cons

Snape sighed, "language, ms. Eve", he then motioned Draco to come over

"yes professor?" asked Draco once he reached Snape's desk

Scribbling down on a piece of parchment, he said, "i want you to give Y/N lessons on potions every weekend for a month.", then he handed the parchment to Draco, it was a pass for the library so they can stay there until after cerfew

"but weekends are for Hogsmeade" Y/N mumbled

"then go to Hogsmeade on Saturday and study on Sunday." Snape shook his head, "the both of you are dismissed"

The two teenagers went out of the classroom, Y/N walking fast

"Eve!" Draco called out

Y/N turned around, her eyes rolling, "what!?"

The blonde couldn't help but grin, "see you on Sunday", he then winked

The girl faked gag, "you're making it seem like a date, it's not", she then walked away, not looking behind her, and just ignoring Draco.

Grinning, Draco just shook his head and went the other direction, towards his common room.

He had a free period, so why not just spend it on the couch, right?

Reaching the common room, he sat down on the green leather couch, pulling out a potions book, and opening it, reading its contents

Not noticing, his friend, Blaise, sat down infront of him. Zabini raised an eyebrow, "when do you not study?" he asked Draco

The blonde perked up from his book, "i don't study all the time" he said, rolling his eyes

"oh, come on! Put your book down and have some fun! Mingle with the girls!" Blaise said, smirking

Draco closed his book, "well, Zabini, unlike you, i actually care about school"

Blaise scoffed, "no you don't, you care about your mother. Because she wants you to study hard" he rolled his eyes, "such a mummy's boy" he said

The blonde tightened his jaw, "what happened to you and Eve anyways?" he asked, interrogating the man infront of him

"Y/N? Pft, i couldn't believe i lasted a summer with her."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "why is that?", he asked interested

Blaise leaned his elbows on his knees, leaning forward, "she's a hard one. Tried to sleep with her, she refused, so i cheated on her. Got caught, and ended it then and there"

The blonde man couldn't believe his ears, but because he wanted to prove himself that he wasnt a 'mummy's boy', he said, "i actually have to tutor her."

Zabini raised an eyebrow, then laughed, "i always knew that girl was dumb"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "you are too" he mumbled, "Snape asked me to tutor her, and i just couldn't say no."

Blaise shook his head and leaned back on the couch. He thought for a moment, then it was like a lightbulb lightened up in his brain. He looked at Draco with a grin

"tell you what, if you ask her out, i'll give you twenty galleons" Blaise said

Draco raised an eyebrow, "what for?"

"i dont know" Zabini said, shrugging, "just play with her for a bit."

The blonde didnt know what to do. He wasnt the type of guy to play with someone's heart

But he wasnt the type of guy to let other people step on him either

So he said the most stupidest thing ever,

"it's a bet, then."


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