•XII - Fireflies•

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FUNNY HOW time flies so fast. Today is Thursday, and Care For Magical Creatures just ended.

Both Y/N and Draco had that, and they're now walking towards the castle, because in five minutes, the Gryffindor had Muggle Studies, which Draco doesnt take for obvious reasons

"why cant you just skip that class?" the blonde groaned, "muggles are boring", he said as they entered the caslte

Y/N laughed holding onto Draco's hand tightly, "i can't skip classes, Dray. Remember what happened in Potions? I might get another tutor, and since you don't take that class, it probably wont be you", she said, making the Slytherin roll his eyes, "besides, you probably would suck at that subject"

"hey!", Draco exclaimed, as if offended, "don't underestimate me, Eve"

The Gryffindor rolled her eyes playfully, "really, huh?", she asked, and the blonde beamed with pride, making her laugh, "okay, then. Tell me, what's a microwave?"

They stopped in front of the Muggle Studies classrooms' door, facing each other. Draco huffed at the question, "a microwave?", he asked, Y/N nodded, a teasing smile on her face, "a microwave.. Is.. Uh, a tiny wave? Like in the ocean? It's tiny because it's micro. So a microwave"

At that, the girl couldn't help but laugh. Shaking her head, she said, "alright, alright. You go on with that microwave theory of yours, while i actually learn about them"

Draco frowned, "fine.", he said

Y/N giggled, and went on her toes, pecking his cheek. She entered the doorway of the classroom, waving at the blonde, "see you later"

The Slytherin just smiled, and waved goodbye.

• • •

It wasn't long until the couple reunited, once again. They were just by the black lake, sitting down. Draco was leaning against a tree while he had Y/N between his legs.

He played with her hair as she read a book out loud. It was peaceful for them. They liked these moments

Just the two of them, having some alone time, and honestly just being in each others' arms

"Felice pulled Triane out to their garden, and as soon as they stepped foot on the grass, their surroundings lit up, thousands of fireflies flying around them..", Y/N trailed off, frowning. She looked up at Draco, "will you be weirded out if i told you i haven't seen actual fireflies?"

Draco stopped playing with her hair. With furrowed eyebrows, he asked, "you haven't?", at that, the Gryffindor shook her head, "you actually haven't?"

"no, i have not", she said, sitting up, and facing Draco properly, "i tend to stay inside, even at home. Especially when it's summer, i like to just stay in my room, and read books"

The blonde shook his head unbelievingly, "you have been missing out!", he exclaimed, laughing lightly,

Rolling her eyes, Y/N said, "i know, whatever. But i do want to see some now. I mean, i just want to see how their bottoms light up!"

At that, Draco couldn't help but laugh, "you don't put it that way, love", he said, chuckling, "we can't see any of them now, though. It's October"

"i know", Y/N sighed sadly, she then, saw the sun setting, making her eyes widen. She took out her pocket watch, looking at the time, "Godric! It's almost cerfew, Draco!"

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