•XV - Messed Up•

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DRACO KNEW he messed up. And big time.

The last week of school, Y/N did her best to avoid him, when they have classes together, she would change seats with other students, so she could sit in the farthest seat from him.

He doesn't know how to fix this, and now he doesn't have time to do that, not until after the Holidays, that is.

Draco was home, and he was laying on his bed, looking at the ceiling. This was torture to him. Not being able to keep Y/N in arms reach (not that he can right now, because he's at home, but you get his point), not being able to just pull her close, to kiss her, to even touch her.

The blonde sat up, and furiously ran a hand through his face. Y/N invaded his mind, how her hair flowed behind her, how her smile just constantly lit everything up, how his heartbeat fasten whenever she's around.

Draco's eyes widen as he realized something. He froze, not knowing if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Merlin's beard, he loves her.

At that, he frowned. There was no way she's going to love him back, not after what he did.

He let her down, and it hurt her, and now it's hurting him. Draco regrets listening to Blaise, he regrets not speaking up when Y/N was waitimg for an answer

Because his mind is clear, he's choose Y/N any day, hour, minute, second!

He loves her, and she doesn't know what to do.


At that, the blonde looked up at his door. His mother knocked, and opened the door, peaking her head inside

"mother", he said above a whisper.

Narcissa smiled, "may i come in?", she asked, and at that, Draco only nodded. His mother walked into the room, and closed the door. She sat beside him, and put a comforting hand on top of his' "i'm sorry if i'm prying, but i couldn't help but get worried. Ever since you got home three days ago, you're quiet, and you lock yourself in here. Is there anything wrong?"

Draco couldn't help but smile, "i'm fine, mother, really."

"mothers always know when's something's wrong.", she said, chuckling lightly, "now, tell me, what happened in school?"

The blonde sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, "well, for starters, i met this girl."

At that, Narcissa perked up, "but why do you seem sad?"

Draco frowned, "because i messed up.", he said, making his mother furrow her eyebrows, "she was Blaise's girlfriend, and when they broke up, he placed a bet, and i was stupid enough to accept it."

Narcissa gasped, "i raised you better than that!", she glared at her son

"before you beat me up, can i get to tell the whole story?", he asked, and at that, his mother sighed, and just nodded for him to go on, "at first, it was all because of a bet. We went on a date, and she somehow found out. She didn't hate me, quite the opposite, actually. She joined me, saying that we should give what Blaise wants, so we fake dated." he said, "it only lasted a couple of weeks, until it didn't feel fake anymore. We decided to make it real. And it was real, mother, it really was."

His mother sighed, "i hear the keyword 'was'. What did you do?", Narcissa asked, raising an eyebrow

Draco looked down, "i messed up. Blaise announced the whole bet in public, and i didn't deny it. I didn't say that everything was true."

Narcissa shook her head disapprovingly, "i thought you knew better, Draco. Clearly, you still need to learn things.", she said, "but i understand. You're still young, you mess up at times, and that's normal."

The blonde looked up, at that, his eyes glassy, "i'm sorry, mother.", he said, making Narcissa smile sadly. She wrapped her arms around him, stroking his hair lovingly, "i don't know what to do."

His mother chuckled, "there's still time to fix this, don't worry yourself. Besides, if she really does care for you, she'll listen.", she pulled away, "now, what's her name? Y/N Eve is it?"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "yeah, how did you know?"

Narcissa laughed softly, "Ophelia told me what's going on between you. I'm pretty sure she cares about you dearly", at that, Draco's eyes lit up, "but don't get your hopes up."

The blonde nodded. Narcissa then, started walking towards the door


The woman turned around, "yes, darling?"

Draco smiled, "thank you for raising me right."

At that, Narcissa laughed lightly, "you're welcome. And thank you for telling me. I know it's hard to open up to parents, but look at you!", she said, making Draco laugh. The woman opened the door, and went out, but before she closed it, she said, "by the way, the Eve's invited us over for Christmas, so you better get ready to fix things with their daughter. If you don't, then i'll beat you up."

And with that, she closed the door, leaving Draco with a confused look on his face. But then, he realized, and his eyes widen.

He looked at the calendar, it's December 20th, only five days before Christmas.

"Merlin's beard", he said,  once again laying down on his bed, facing the ceiling, "how am i supposed to mentally prepare myself in five days?", he asked himself, "but then again, you're just going to talk to her, Draco", he said to himself, "well it's not that easy!"

At the last part, he groaned. He didn't like this feeling, as i said earlier, it was torture for him to not be in okay terms with Y/N.

But even if he didn't like it, he needs to manage. What did he say before? Ah, he will do anything to make her happy.

Well, that's not exactly what's happening now, is it?

But soon, she will be happy again. Draco will fix everything, and it's going to be okay.

They will be happy again, together.


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