•XXVII - Still?•

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THREE WEEKS. three weeks until the holy Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, and without Draco, Y/N was a mess.

but she can't talk to him, not right now. especially after he forgave Zabini for what he did. though, she understood Draco a bit. she knows she had no right to control Draco on who he should, or should not be friends with. but it just annoys her so much.

Blaise Zabini, the one who basically already broke them apart once, is asking for forgiveness, and Draco forgave him right away. 

though Y/N would never- or atleast not now. the wound in her heart is still there, after all this time. it still hurts to think about what happened almost a year ago, not because she still has feelings for Blasie, but because she couldn't believe she fell for his trap.

but sometimes, the girl couldn't help but wonder, what if Blaise didn't cheat? will they still be together? would she still love him? would Draco be with Astoria again?

probably. but would she want that? maybe, since after all, the two of them wouldn't be a 'thing' if Blaise didn't cheat on her.

speaking of, Astoria was getting closer to Draco than everyday. for the last two weeks that Draco and Y/N didn't speak to eachother, the sixth year Slytherin was there for the blonde, as if it was great timing that Y/N wasn't in the picture.

the Gryffindor would often see them in the library, talking, and laughing, and it hurt her, afterall, they were still in a relationship, right? they never broke up, that didn't happen.

so what were they, really? it's like something is pulling the two of them apart, and surprisingly succeeding.

the Slytherin common room was dark, and Draco was still wide awake. he sat by the fireplace, deep in thought. there was no second he didn't think about Y/N. it was tiring to go days, even weeks without her, but he didn't do anything, so he's not at fault.

all he did was forgive his friend. 

a sigh left his lips as he fiddled with the pin she gave him for Christmas- or i guess New Year. he smiled at the memories they had, the happy ones.

suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from the girl dormitories, making him look up.

"Oh, did I disturb you? I'll just go back up-"

Draco gave the girl a small smile, and shook his head, "It's fine, Astoria, you can join me,"

the girl hesitated, before she sighed, and walked towards the blonde. she sat on the couch in front of him, and asked, "Can't sleep either?"

"Just have a lot in mind," Draco said, leaning his back on the couch.

Astoria nodded, "Me too," she said, and looked at the fire, "Tests are coming up, it really is stressful, isn't it?" the girl looked at Draco, but he wasn't listening, it was as if he wasn't really there, either, like he's deep in thought. with slightly furrowed eyebrows, the girl called his name, "Draco?"

the blonde then, got pulled into reality, he looked at Astoria, "What?"

a sigh left her lips, but she gave him a small smile, "I have a feeling it's not just the tests you're worried about,"

Draco looked down, "Yeah, it's just- I' just a mess right now," he said.

Astoria tilted her head a bit, "Do you want to talk about it? I'm a good listener, as you know," she said, even laughing a bit

"I don't want to bother you with my relationship problems, so I really rather not," Draco chuckled.

the girl looked down at her hands at that, "Y/N, right? she seems like a lovely lady," Astoria said, forcing a smile.

nodding, the blonde smiled lovingly, as if thinking about the Gryffindor made his heart flutter- and really, it did, and it makes Astoria's heart clench thinking about it, "Yeah, Y/N.." Draco trailed off.

Astoria looked at Draco, and smiled, "You really love her, i can see it," she said, but the blonde only nodded. a moment of silence came, and the girl was fiddling with her hands, thinking if she should ask the question she's been meaning to ask, or not. but in the end, she managed to get enough courage to, "Can I ask you something?"

Draco looked at her, "Go ahead," he said, and smiled kindly.

the girl took a deep breath, and finally asked, "Did you love me?"

it pained her to ask that in past tense, but that's the truth, they happened in the past, and that's all she is, a girl from the blonde's past, and his present, and maybe future is Y/N.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, and looked away from her, thinking of what to answer, but in the end, he said, "I don't think i ever stopped," at that, Astoria looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but before she could speak, the blonde already followed, "I think no one ever stops loving someone, they will still be in the person's heart, even though it's in the past. and when someone new comes, the person will love them differently. love for every single person is different,"

Astoria looked at Draco in awe as he said all those. Y/N is lucky to have him, really lucky.

but the plan. Astoria needs to continue with the plan.

"So you think Y/N still loves Blaise?"

the blonde stopped for a moment, but nodded after a while, "In a way, I would say that, yes, she probably still have him somewhere in her heart," he said, "But as I said, people love people differently, it's not the same for everyone. and I know Y/N loves me in a way she didn't with Blaise,"

the girl nodded, "Do you think Blaise ever loved Y/N?"

at that, Draco just shrugged, "Why would he cheat on her if he did?" he chuckled sarcastically

Astoria frowned, but tried not to show it, "Well have you ever thought that maybe he's just confused? he's not good at handling feelings, and you know that,"

Draco looked at Astoria. She had a point, Blaise was never one to understand his feelings, he doesn't know how to handle them, and the blonde knows that.

with everything that's happening at home, Blaise's mother getting married so many times, no one can blame him.

the blonde was once again deep in his thoughts, making Astoria sigh.

she stood up, and walked towards the stairs to the girls' dormitories, but before she could step a foot on the stairs, Draco asked, "Did he tell you that he's confused?"

Astoria shook her head, "He never said anything about being confused," or atleast not anymore, she thought, but kept it in her mind. Draco nodded, and just stared at the fire.

the girl walked up to her dorm with shoulders down. she doesn't want to do this anymore, but she wants Draco at the same time.

it'll all be over soon..


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