•XXXII - One Step•

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SCHOOL WAS finally over for everyone- and Draco Malfoy hated to say it, but he was sure he'll miss Hogwarts.

but his time here is over, it's time to move one step forward, and let the others live the life in Hogwarts. he's not complaining, he'll just miss it, but he's reader to move forward. move forward with Y/N.

"We made it!" exclaimed Draco's girlfriend happily, jumping into his arms, her graduation hat almost falling off, but the blonde managed to catch it, and put it on top of her head again.

Draco chuckled and hugged her back just as tightly, "We made it," mumbled through Y/N's hair.

"Awe, look at them."

the young couple stepped away from each other, and faced their parents. Ophelia smiled at them, and spread her arms, which ofcourse, Y/N immediately ran in them, hugging her mother tightly.

Draco walked towards Narcissa, asking her, "Have you got it?" his voice was above a whisper, as if he didn't want anyone to hear him.

not that anyone will- all of the students are happy to be finally done with school, but there are also people with tears, hugging their schoolmates, as if it'll be their last ones.

Narcissa smiled at her son, and took out a small box from her pocket, "I'm proud of you, Draco."

the blonde took the box, and opened it, making sure he was out of Y/N's sight- who was currently talking to Ophelia, Harriot, and surprisingly, Lucius.

Draco couldn't help but smile, seeing the emerald green diamond on the ring made things real for him. he really was doing it- in a few hours, he might just be able to keep Y/N forever.

looking up at her mother, Draco closed the box, and put it inside his suit's pocket, "Thank you, mother."

Narcissa smiled, and just patted his shoulder, "Don't mess it up, okay?"

Draco nodded, "I won't."

with that, Narcissa walked towards the Eves, and got into the conversation with them. 

"I think we owe you an apology.."

at the familiar voice, the blonde turned around, and just like he assumed, Blaise Zabini stood in front of him, his head down.

Draco backed away, but Astoria, who stood beside Blaise spoke up, "He's genuine this time."

shaking his head, Draco glared at the two, "I'm not gonna take any of your shit again," he said, his eyes burning his anger.

Blaise nodded, "I understand if you can't forgive me, because I wouldn't forgive me either," he said, "But I know I won't be able to live with the guilt if I don't apologize. Astoria made me realize a lot of things- and one of those is that I wasted a perfectly good friendship between the two of us."

the blonde didn't answer, but he knew Blaise was right- though that doesn't mean he has forgiven Blaise. he doesn't have the heart to forgive him, not anymore.

"Is there anything wrong?" asked Y/N who walked towards Draco, and looped her arm over the blonde's.

Y/N gave Astoria a small smile, which the Slytherin kindly returned. ever since she saved her from drowning, they've talked here and there, and people would call her crazy, but Y/N considers her as a friend.

Astoria was still in her Slytherin robes, because she still had to stay in school for a year, but they can always owl each other.

Blaise cleared his throat, "I want to apologize," he said, "Not just because of the recent events- but also because of what I did. I didn't know the value of women before, but I do now."

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