•III - Hogsmeade?•

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ANOTHER SUNDAY, another tutor session with Y/N and Draco.

Both teenagers looked forward to it, because the past week wasnt so bad. They were partners in potions, and nothing went wrong.

Draco entered the library, and saw that a certain Gryffindor was already there. He smiled, not knowing why, but he liked that he was able to see her smile once in a while

The blonde walked towards her table, and sat down. Y/N, who was already reading a book, looked up to him, "oh, hey" she said, giving him a small smile that the Slytherin returned

Getting a book, Draco turned to Y/N, "ready?"

"as i'll ever be." she said, and soon, they've started, making progress.

They threw in some sarcastic remarks here and there, some jokes to make it fun

Draco was laughing as he said, "okay, okay, what do you need to make Polyjuice Potion?"

Y/N calmed herself down and thought for a moment, "lacewing flies, leeches, powdered bicorn-" she stopped, her brain doing it again and she just ends up laughing, "bicorn!" she laughs, spanking the table, like it's the funniest thing in the world

Draco furrowed his eyebrows at her humor, but his lips curled up in a smile. He likes seeing Y/N laugh, even at the most cringey things.

Before he could stop himself, he asked her, "you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

Y/N calmed down, then he looked at him, "what?" she asked

Draco's eyes widen, it just came out, but he cant back out now, "uh, do you maybe want to go to Hogsmeade? With me?"

The Gryffindor couldnt help but furrow her eyebrows, and she said the first thing in her mind, because at times like this, no one can really think straight


Draco scratched the back of his neck, he didnt know how to answer to that, but in the end, he decided to say, "i want to get to know you more"

Y/N, even if she stopped herself, couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up. She shook it off, and thought for a moment, what would this do any good?

This was probably Blaise's idea, cause Malfoy would never, would he?

Biting her lip, she said, "i'll see you, on Suturday, then.", then she stood up, packed her things away and left

Draco was left, eyes widen. Did he really just do that?

• • •

The next day, Draco was the first one in potions, surprisingly. He didnt exactly sleep well, the scene of him asking Y/N out played in his brain again and again, and everytime it replays, a smile falls on his face

He was only ten minutes early, so it wasnt long before some people went in. Draco got some weird looks from the early birds. Good thing, it wasnt long till Y/N came in.

She entered the classroom six minutes early, and was surprised to see Draco already sitting on their desk

"hey" she said, sitting down beside the Malfoy

Draco slightly smiled at her, "good morning"

Y/N smiled. It was nice that the first person she encounterd with had a smile on their face.

"someone's in a good mood", she said, getting out her quil and parchment from her bag

"yeah" Draco said, nodding

Y/N just shook her head with a smile and started to scribble on her parchment.

Not long after, professor Snape entered the classroom, his robes flying around with his swift motion

Stopping infront of the class, Snape turned around, "we'll be doing a thousand words essay today"

A lot of groans and sighs were heard inside the classroom, Y/N didnt mind that much. She was doing better with potions, and she enjoys it now

Her other subjects were passable to her, so it was fine, her only problem really was just potions, but now, she's just fine with it.

The next hour or two was quiet, honestly just how Snape likes it. Class was over, and everyone was handing their essays over to Snape, so Y/N waited for the crowd to go

She doesnt exactly like people pushing and shoving her just so they can pass their papers first

Once the crows was lessen, Y/N stood up with her paper, Draco following her

Finally, Y/N passed her essay over to Snape and gave him a small smile. Draco passed his, and both teenagers went to grab their bag.

As they were going out of the classroom, Snape called out the Y/N, making her and Draco turn around

"yes professor?"

The professor gave her a smile, a smile that you wont see often on him, "you're doing great"

Y/N couldnt help but smile widely. She thanked the professor and headed out of the door, and one her and Draco were out, she jumped up in down in happiness, "yee! I'm happy that i'm improving!"

Draco grinned, "yeah, and who do you have to thank you?"

The Gryffindor stopped jumping and faced the blonde properly. She smiled up at him, "thank you, Malfoy. If it werent for you, i'll keep failing potions and would end up redoing the whole year" Y/N said, slightly laughing

Malfoy chuckled, "yeah, well, i wouldnt want professor Snape to be all problematic because of you all over again next year" he joked

Y/N scoffed, then looked at him in the eyes, "but seriously, Draco, thank you. I appreciate your help very much"

Draco felt his stomach go upside down, he also felt his face slightly heat up. Clearing his throat,  he said, "you're welcome, Y/N"

The girl nodded, and checked her pocket watch, her eyes widen, "oh dear! I'm gonna be late for Herbology!" she said, and put her pocket watch back inside her pocket

"oh, well you should get going then" Draco said. This was their one class that they didnt have together. While Draco had a free period, Y/N had Herbology.

Y/N smiled at him one last time, and turned to run through the corridors, "see you at Defense Against The Dark Arts!" she shouted, and turned to a corner

Draco was left in the hallways, smiling. Oh dear, what was happening to him?


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