•XXIX - Same Mistakes•

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!Trigger warning!


Y/N'S BEEN thinking, and she's decided to swallow her pride, and talk to Draco- she didn't have the right to stop him from being friends with whoever he wants, anyways, because that's just wrong.

it was an early Sunday morning, and the Gryffindor was on her way down the dungeons, the sun was peaking through the huge windows, but when she reached the dungeons, it was just dark, the only thing that's giving light are the torches on the walls.

she had no idea why, but she felt a lump in her throat- probably just nervousness.

finally, Y/N reached the Slytherin common room entrance, it was a behind a bare wall, but then, she stopped, she didn't know the password, how will she get in?

just as she was about to turn around, and walk away, the entrance opened up, and there walked out Blaise, and as soon as he saw her, a smirk crept up his face, "Y/N," he said.

the girl looked away from the dark skinned boy, she remembered what happened yesterday in Hogsmeade, and she just couldn't- but he's a friend of Draco's, and she has to accept that. with a sigh, she asked, "Is Draco there?"

Zabini nodded, "In his room, still asleep," he said.

"Oh," said Y/N and backed away, "I'll just come back later-"

"It's alright, you can wake him up," Zabini said, pointing in the common room.

the girl shook her head, "I really don't want to disturb his sleep," she said, but Blaise only shook his head.

"You won't. besides, he told me to wake him up last night, but I just really need to be somewhere right now," 

at that, Y/N took a deep breath, and asked, "Where's his room?"

Blaise smiled, and said, "Second door to the right when you walk up," he then, gave one last wink and walked away.

the Gryffindor ignored him, and walked into the common room, she didn't need a password anymore, since Zabini left it open for her. it was weird going into another common room other that her own house's. it was exactly as she expected, it was dark, and green, and snakes,

it's so Slytherin-y.

she walked up the stairs to the boy's dormitory, which was on the opposite side of the girl's dormitories (she hope it was just the same with the Gryffindors', cause if not, she might walk into a girl's dormitory, and it'll just be embarrassing.)

with shaking hands, she opened the second door on her right, Draco's room- hopefully.

the door squeaked open, and inside, there were four beds, the other three were empty, but the one on the far left was not, it was the bed farthest from the door.

a smile spread on Y/N's face as she closed the door behind her, and walked towards the bed.

but her smile soon faded when she noticed that her boyfriend was not alone in bed.. he's naked in bed, with another person?

Y/N gasped, seeing Astoria Greengrass beside Draco, she was only wearing her undergarments- or maybe less, who knows what's under those covers?

the girl swallowed the lump in her throat as she saw the purple marks on Greengrass' neck- she looked away, not being able to keep her tears in her eyes. a scoff left her lips, as her tears fell freely.

"Wake up, lovebirds!!" Y/N exclaimed as loud as she could.

Astoria was the first one to wake up, she opened her eyes, but they widened when she saw the Gryffindor. Astoria quickly sat up, hugging the blanket to cover her body, "Y/N.." she said, and she sounded sorry, but Y/N was not buying it.

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