•V - Date•

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SATURDAY CAME, and Y/N was in her dorm room, fixing her scarlet and gold colored scarf.

She would be lying if she said she wasnt even a bit nervous, cause she was. It's only been a few months since Blaise broke up with her, did she really want this?

Well, yeah, if she didn't, why would she say yes to Draco in the first place. And she wouldn't use him as a rebound, because, that's not how it's supposed to work.

You dont lead people on just for you to move on.

Sighing, she grabbed her permission slip, and went down to the common room. There were a few people that were there, just sitting by the fireplace, and talking about stuff

The famous 'trio' was there too. Now, Y/N weren't exactly friends with them, she knows the three of them holds a grudge on her for being close to some Slytherins, and even the head of the Slytherin house.

Although, she does understand that they don't like Slytherins, because of their hate in the Gryffindors, so Y/N just doesn't say anything.

But deep inside, she does want peace between the two houses. If only they could see eye to eye.

Y/N passed the people who looked at her, a smile, and she walked out the common room, and through the corridors.

It wasn't long until she reached the doors to the outside of Hogwarts. By the door, stood a blonde young man, looking afar

The Gryffindor smiled, and walked towards him. She put a hand on Draco's shoulder, making him turn around

As soon as he saw her face, he smiled, "hey"

Y/N smiled back, "hey", she said

"you ready?", Draco asked, offering an arm, wich Y/N took gladly

"ofcourse", she said, and both of them started to walk towards the carriages. It wasn't a long walk to the carriages, but it was enough to give Y/N time to look around

She smelled the fresh air, the trees, the dry leaves on the ground, crunching as they step on them

But one sight made her stop inside

Blaise sat in one of the carriages, looking at the both of them. He was smirking

Y/N mentally gasped, she knew what was going on.

• • •

The pair entered the three broomsticks, Y/N still in deep thought. She knew what was happening, it's a bet

Of course, why didn't she see it before? Draco wouldn't ask her out just like that. Specially since she's his bestfriend's ex

They sat down. Y/N had a plan, if they're playing her, she'll want to be part of the game

"i'll go get us some butterbeer", said Draco, and the Gryffindor just nodded, and lightly smiled

The Slytherin walked towards the counter and ordered their drinks. Y/N then waited for him, thinking if this was a good idea or not.

But she doesn't want to think. She's a Gryffindor, one who tends to do stupid stuff and doesn't entirely regret it.

Draco came back with two mugs of butterbeer, wich he gives the other to Y/N. She mumbled a small thank you, and took a sip. The sweetness of it hitting her throat

The pair were silent for a couple of moments, no one dared to break the awkward silence. But Y/N knew what she had to do.

"so, how much did you bet on Blaise for me to go out with you?" Y/N asked suddenly, taking a sip of her butterbeer

Draco's eyes widen in shock. he cleared his throat, "what are you talking about?" he managed to say

Y/N smirked, "i know Blaise like the back of my hand." looking into a space, she added, "he broke my heart."

Silence met them once again. Draco was kind of disappointed that this date- if you can even call it that- took a turn. He was kind of hoping to take this seriously.

Clearing his throat, Draco said, "he placed the bet, actually."

"typical Blaise.", Y/N said, looking back at the man in front of her. She sat up properly, placing her butterbeer down on the table. "you know, i just had this very crazy idea, and i hope you're up for it"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you thinking?"

The girl smirked, "let's give him what he wants.", Y/N said, "he wants us to start dating? Then so be it."

"you want us to date?" the Slytherin's breath hitched a bit.

"no, silly!", she laughs, "We just want him to think we are."

Draco raised his eyebrows, "like fake dating?"

"exactly like fake dating!", Y/N said, snapping her fingers in excitement.

The Slytherin didnt know what to do. This really was a crazy idea. Was he ready to face the consequences afterwards? This wasn't good, he knew that. But seeing Y/N so hyped about it, makes him want to do it. With her.

He sighed, "when do we start?"

That made Y/N smile wider, "as soon as tomorrow, i suppose", she said, and omce again grabbed her butterbeer. She took a gulp, and looked at Draco with such mischievous eyes, "but for now, let's forget that we ever had thaf conversation. Pretend that this was not planned, cause i want to have fun too."

Draco couldn't help but smile. He would very much like that.

"then let's have fun.", he said and finished his butterbeer in one go. Good thing Y/N's were already finished. Draco stood up, and grabbed Y/N by the wrist.

She stood up, her eyes glistening, "where are we going?"

Draco smiled, "we're going to explore Hogsmeade, ofcourse.", he said, and dragged the girl outside the Three Broomsticks.

Outside, the air hit their faces, it was very nice and cold. The cold air, making you want to snuggle up with someone in a blanket, as you tell stories by the fireplace.

But those only happen in books, of course.

Draco removed his hand from Y/N's wrist and moved it downward to her hand. He held it and interwinded their fingers with each other.

Y/N looked at Draco, "well, what are we waiting for? We cant stand here all day", she laughs, making Draco chuckle

And with that, the pair went around Hogsmeade, not letting go of each others' hands, thinking if they do, they'd lose eachother in a battle of things that tears them apart.

But ofcourse, everything would change tommorow. They had work to do. Work that's going to change their lives forever.


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