•XIII - Jeanette Eve•

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IT HAS already been about two weeks, and Halloween is today.

As Y/N entered the Great Hall for breakfast, she saw the pumpkins floating around, making her smile. She liked this Holiday. Not as much as Christmas, but she still liked it.

Draco perked up, seeing the girl. A smile crept up his face, and Y/N, feeling the boy's gaze on her, knew exactly where to look.

Looking at the Slytherin table, she smiled as she met Draco's silver eyes. She could just look at them for hours and never get tired of it.

But sadly, more people entered the great hall, making them break eye contact.

Smiling one last time at the boy, Y/N walked towards the Gryffindor table, and sat down. She noticed the trio beside her, "good morning", she greeted them

Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter just smiled at her, while Hermione, answered, "Good Morning, Eve"

Nodding, Y/N filled her plate, and it wasn't long until mail arrived.

Haz, the Eve's family owl, came and dropped a letter on the Gryffindor table, in front of Y/N.

The girl smiled, and excitedly grabbed the letter, opening it immediately. She missed her parents, even though she hasn't even been gone for that long. So much has happened that it seemed like she's been gone forever.

"Y/N, our daughter,

Happy Halloween, sweetie!

It's only been two months, but we miss you dearly! We hope you're doing well.

Also, from your last letter, you're dating a new guy? Draco Malfoy, is it? Honey, we are delighted to hear that you are together.

We know he's a good man, but we just couldn't help but get worried. Your last relationship didn't go that well. We're not saying you should stop dating him, but we want you to be careful.

As your parents, we, your father, especially, doesn't want you to get hurt. So we just want you to keep your guard up.

And if you end up getting hurt, don't ever think about ending your life, okay? We miss your sister, and we know you do too.

That's all for now. Can't wait until Christmas, so we could have you with us again.

Maybe you can even invite Draco over?

With lots of love,
Mum and Dad."

Folding the letter once again, Y/N put it back inside the envelope, putting it inside her pocket. She took a mental note to write as soon as possible.

She sighed. She does miss her sister dearly. Jeanette Eve was a good, great sister, in fact.

But all because of a boy, she ended her life.

Y/N always have wondered, what if, maybe she could've stopped her, if she did something other than be a coward and just watch her sister die.

It was traumatic, seeing someone you love die right in front of you.

What hurt more is that she knew she could've saved her, but she didn't.

She always have blamed herself, even if it wasn't her fault. But she blamed herself for not stopping it.

Running a frustrated hand through her hair, she finished her potatoes and stood up, walking out of the door. She didn't want to be late for Potions, now did she?

• • •

Draco sat down beside Y/N, an apple in hand

"i noticed you didn't eat much", he said, giving her the apple

Y/N looked at him, and took the apple, smiling thankfully, "you didn't have to.", she said, and took a bite, a crunchy sound being heard

Good thing Snape wasn't there yet.

Draco smiled, "what did your parents tell you?", he asked, "it didn't seem too good, considering your face sort of fell as you read it."

Taking another bite, Y/N shook her head, "they just greeted me a Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween, by the way", she laughed, pecking the boy's cheek

Draco laughed, "Happy Halloween to you too, love."

Y/N rolled her eyes, but she was sure her cheeks heated up at the nickname. Merlin's beard, they've been together for about almost a month now, yet she's still not used to the nicknames.

Clearing her throat, she added, "my parents also invited you over for Christmas.", she then, finished her apple

Draco raised an eyebrow, "they want me over for Christmas?"

"yeah, you should get ready, my dad's pretty intimidating. I'm sure you've met him before, but not as.. Well, my boyfriend", Y/N shrugged, slightly blushing as she said the word 'boyfriend'

And Draco thought it was so cute. He smiled, and said, "well, i'm looking forward to seeing them again. It's been years since i last saw them, when mother comes over at yours to drink tea, she never takes me anymore"

Y/N laughed, "well, it's probably because you're a seventeen year old boy, that doesn't need to be with his mommy anymore."

At that, the blonde rolled his eyes, "whatever. now that I remember, we used to play a lot when we were kids,"

the Gryffindor chuckled, "You were so shy! Whenever i smile at you, you'd hide behind your mother! Merlin, thinking back at it, it really was cute"

Draco couldn't help but laugh at the memory. Ofcourse, he remembered those days.

The only reason he would hide behind Narcissa was because he was shy around Y/N. He thought she was really pretty

As Draco was supposed to say something, professor Snape entered the classroom, his black cape flowing behind him.

Talk about grand entrance, am i right?

"no more talking", he said as he stood up front. He rose an eyebrow, seeing an apple core on Y/N and Draco's desk, "i hope you throw that away, miss Eve. I wouldn't want you to put the seeds of those apple in your potion by accident, or it might blow up. We don't want another mr. Finnigan in the room, now do we?"

A small 'hey' was heard from the table beside the pair, making Draco lightly chuckle.

Y/N smiled and threw the apple core in the trash under their table, making Snape nod

Soon, Potions started, and as expected, Seamus Finnigan, once again, blew something up.

Nothing new.

Except maybe Draco secretly holding Y/N's hand under the table, but other than that, nothing else changed.


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