•XIV - Hurt•

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TIME FLEW by very fast, and it was just two weeks before Christmas, and just a week before students can go home for the Holidays!

It excites Y/N that she was going to see her parents again after a while, and with Draco too!

Right now, both Draco and Y/N were just walking towards the History Of Magic's classroom

Once they were outside, they stopped, and the girl frowned, "i wish i just had Astronomy with you. History Of Magic is boring", she said, letting go of Draco's hand and crossing her arms

At that, the blonde laughed, "it's not my fault you picked that class over Astronomy"

"i had to! I suck at it, but i need to fill my NEWT papers with right answers, so here i am", Y/N rolled her eyes, "anyways, i hope you have fun with Astronomy without me"

Draco kissed her head, a chuckle leaving his lips, "i will"

Flipping him off, the girl entered the classroom, leaving the boy chucking to himself

• • •

Classes were finally over for the day, and Y/N was waiting at the bottom of the spiral staircase to the Astronomy classroom

There was no way in Merlin she was climbing those steep stairs.

Finally, students started to pour out from the staircase, majing the girl smile. Some students gave her a weird look, but she just ignored them. She wasnt here for them

Draco finally got to the bottom of the staircase, he was putting his books inside his satchel, so ge didn't notice Y/N at the bottom of the staircase, as he walked forward


At the nickname, the blonde turned around, seeing the girl. He smiled, "Y/N", he said, waiting as the girl catched up to him, "what are you doing here?"

"well, History Of Magic ended early, i decided to pick you up. You always pick me up, i thought why not change that?"

Draco chuckled softly. He put an arm around her shoulders, "thank you, then. You're such a gentleman"

Rolling her eyes, Y/N laughed, "you're welcome, my damsel in distress"

Both laughed, and got into a conversation. They walked towards the courtyard, which was filled with snow, nevertheless, students still stayed there

Sitting down on a bench, Y/N leaned her head on Draco's shoulder. They talked about anything, and everything. They were just having a peaceful time

Until Blaise Zabini showed up, that is.

"oh, won't you look at that!", he exclaimed, catching the attention of students, including the couple's, "Draco Malfoy managed to make poor little Y/N fall in love with him"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, then looked at Y/N who sat straight, glaring at the dark skinned boy

"sod off, Zabini", the girl said

"what, are you fighting back now? The last time i remembered, you're a cry baby. Crying over me because i cheated on your arse"

The blonde tensed up. He wanted to punch Blaise, so much, but he didn't. He was stuck in his seat

As for Y/N, her eyes turned glassy. They attracted many students, now everyone was having a full show of drama

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