•II - Tutor•

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SUNDAY CAME, it was Draco's and Y/N's first tutor session, and surprisingly, Y/N came.

The Malfoy was just in the library, waiting for Y/N, if ever she shows up, but she did!

She pulled out a chair beside the Malfoy, "let's get this over with", then she sat down, pulling the chair in, but making sure there was space between them.

Draco sighed and gave Y/N four thick books, all about potions

Before Eve could even complain, Malfoy said, "do you want good grades or not? Because i'm trying to help you here." he said

The girl pouted and sighed, she got a book from the stack and opened it up.

Draco smiled, she was easy to please after all.

Y/N looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "what are you looking at?" she asked, but Draco just shook his head. She rolled her eyes, "whatever, where do we start?"

Draco sighed, this was going to be a long tutor session.

• • •

Monday, another day for school.

Draco, as always, had Potions first, with Gryffindor.

He personally didnt like the Gryffindors, he thinks that they're a house of brave wanna be's. Specially that Potter, always wanted to save the day.

Sighing, he entered the room, and once again, found the chair beside the girl Gryffindor, the only empty one.

He cant do anything about it, so Draco sat down beside her

Y/N noticed the boy sit beside her, and all she did was raise an eyebrow at him, and shake her head. Didnt even say a 'hello', but she doesnt really care.

Draco cleared his throat, "morning" he said

The Gryffindor sighed, "what do you want?"

"i just wanted to know if i was a good help last night" Draco smirked

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "yeah, you were such big help. Your patience was this small" she said sarcastically, holding her two fingers close to eachother to show him how small his patience were

The blonde rolled his eyes, "okay, but in my defense, you weren't listening."

"i was bored." Y/N said

"well, i apologize that i'm boring you" Draco said

Y/N scoffed and just stayed silent, but Draco swore he saw her lips curve up in a smile.

He couldn't help his own lips to curve up in a smile aswell. He thinks her smile is pretty.

Snape entered the classroom, he told everyone to heat up their cauldrons, and said, "we are going to make Draught of the living death today with your seatmates"

Draco looked at the girl beside her, who just sighed.

"good thing i thought you this last night" he mumbled to Y/N

"not that i learned anything anyways"

Snape gave Y/N a look, "i expect you to do well. This is one of the easiest potions to make", he said, then opened his book, "open your books to page three hundred and sixty four, there, you will find the ingredients"

Y/N opened the book and said, "you heat up the cauldron, i'll get the ingredients", Draco just nodded and turned on the fire, as the girl went over to the side where everything was at, "let's see, wormwood, powder root of asphodel-" she glanced around, taking everything she needs

But the last thing she needed was on the top shelf, sighing, she tried to go on her tiptoes, of course, she still couldn't get it.

Draco saw her struggle, it was kind of cute. Grinning, he walked towards her, and got the thing from the top shelf, "you can ask for help, you know?"

"i didnt need it", she said, rolling her eyes, and walking back to their table

The blonde just grinned, "yeah, sure did look like it"

Y/N just rolled her eyes, then she started to go through the instructions, following it precisely

In the end, their potion was good enough for Snape.

"that's progress, Eve" he even said, giving her a small smile.

Y/N playfully elbowed Draco, giving him a side smile, "you're not so bad after all"

• • •

Saturday, it was Hogsmeade day, and Y/N was excited to go out. She's been working very hard. Not only was Draco tutoring her, she reads a few books here and there about potions.

She actually finds it fun.

Y/N walks by Honeydukes, she wanted to get some sweets, so she decided to enter the shop.

Honeydukes was filled with kids, all that cant wait to get their tongues taste the sweet heaven

The gryffindor girl walked towards the shelf, getting a few packets of chocolate frogs, some jelly slugs, and some cauldron cakes.

She stood in the line, waiting for her turn.

Looking around, she saw a mop of blonde hair enter the shop. He didnt see her, so her eyes followed him

He walked towards the shelves, Y/N couldn't help but admire how his platinum blonde hair fell on his face, how his long legs strides big steps, and how his pointed nose looked so well, his silver eyes that can hypnotize-


Y/N's train of thoughts were broken when the girl behind the counter called her. It was your her to pay.

Mumbling an apology, she walk towards the counter and paid for her stuff.

Once done, Y/N glanced around, her eyes looking for someone, but she didnt see him.

Shrugging, she left the shop.

She was quite excited for tommorow's tutor session. Y/N only had one, and it didnt quite go well.

But she'd be lying if she said she didnt enjoy Draco's company.

Y/N caught herself smiling, she immediately removed it. His friend broke her heart, who said he wont?

Close minds think alike.

But he seems different. He doesn't seem like the type to play with a person's heart.

He might be a git, but he never really dated anyone. Well, besides Astoria Greengrass, that is. They lasted a year, between fourth and fifth year, then broke it off.

Draco didnt seem like the guy to joke around feelings

But Blaise does, and Y/N knew he's already asked Draco to do something

All she could do was keep an eye out.

Or, ride along with it


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