•XXVI - Ruined•

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Y/N WALKED through the corridors of Hogwarts, her hands wrapped tightly around the sling of her satchel. it's only been about twelve hours since she last talked to Draco, and really, she felt bad for not giving him enough time.

a sigh left her lips as she entered the potions classroom, the first class of the day. she sat beside the blonde, who stared ahead, not even noticing that she had already arrived.

the girl glanced at the blonde, but he really did not notice her, so, she cleared her throat, making Draco jump a bit, and look at her, "Oh," he said, looking straight ahead once again, "Morning,"

"I'm sorry," Y/N started, smiling awkwardly at Draco, even though he wasn't looking, "I know I haven't been spending time with you, but i was hoping you'd understand, there's only three weeks left before June, and i just really want to get my shit together,"

at that, the blonde looked at the girl, his eyebrows furrowed, did he just hear her curse? well she sure does look stressed because of the test, but there's still a lot of time to prepare, but even though, Draco felt bad, he was being childish, and a bit too clingy.

a tired sigh left the blonde's lips as he faced Y/N properly, a small smile on his face, "I understand, Y/N, I guess I'm just jealous that you'd rather spend time studying, or hang out with Potter and his gang instead of me,"

Y/N smiled, and took his hand in hers, "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you later, how does a picnic by the lake sound? after school,"

Draco couldn't help but smile aswell, "Sounds perfect," he said.

before anyone could say anything else, professor Snape entered the classroom, and immediately started the class, without interruptions.

the girl already imagined how the afternoon would go, the sun would go down as they ate sandwiches, and they would just talk.

but hopefully, it goes well as planned.

• • •

right after Y/N's classes, she ran towards the kitchen (yes, she knows where it is, found it back in her third year when she walked around the castle late at night), and called for Winky, who was one of the people that's kind to her.

"Miss Eve, what do we owe the pleasure?" asked the house elf nicely.

the Gryffindor smiled kindly, and crouched down to Winky's height, "Is it alright if i get some food for a picnic? just some sandwiches, and maybe pudding, if I can,"

Winky smiled, and immediately nodded, "Ofcourse, miss Eve! I'll prepare a basket for you," she said, and ran off to prepare the food.

Y/N stood up, and called after the house elf, "Thank you!"

it wasn't long until Winky came back with a huge basket which Y/N was sure is filled with loads of snacks. the girl took the basket from the elf, and once again thanked her. 

she then, speed walked towards the Gryffindor common room, which we all know is in a tower, so it sucked climbing it up from the basement, especially with the basket full of goods, but Y/N managed to climb the stairs, thankfully.

when she reached her dorm room, she saw Hermione sitting on her own bed, as usual, reading a book, because that's the only thing she seems to do- unless she's scolding both Harry and Ron, ofcourse.

"Oooh! what's in the basket?" asked Hermione once Y/N closed the door. the bushy haired girl put her book down on her bedside table, and sat up properly, sitting in a criss crossed position.

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