•XXI - New Friends•

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AS EXPECTED, Y/N and Draco were the topic of the whole school the next day.

Saying the girl was dumb to even go back to him, but at the same time, some Slytherins, especially Pansy Parkinson, are saying that the Gryffindor doesn't deserve Draco, and some say it's the other way around.

Y/N and Draco walked through the corridors, talking to themselves softly, trying to ignore how people look at them and mumble to theirselves.

The girl then, noticed something shining on the boy's tie, making her smile, "nice pin, by the way."

Draco looked down at his tie, and saw Y/N Christmas gift there. He smiled, and looked at the girl teasingly, "yeah, everytime i see it, it keeps reminding me of what happened when you gave it to me."

At that, Y/N couldn't help but blush. She has always wondered, what if Narcissa didn't barge in? Could they have done 'it'? Shw didn't really want to think about that, she was actually sort of thankful that Narcissa barged in, because she wants to save 'it' after marriage.

She didn't answer Draco, but she smiled and rolled her eyes.

Finally, they entered the great hall. They stopped by the door, and faced each other, "i'll see you at potions.", the girl said, kissing Draco's cheek, and leaving to go to yhe Gryffindor table.

Draco smiled to himself, and sat down on his own table, with his so called friends, Crabbe and Goyle. After what Blaise did, he didn't really want to talk to him right now.

Y/N, then, was supposed to sit on the very end of the table, when Hermione called out to her, "Y/N!"

She looked up, and smiled kindly at the bushy haired girl, who sat with the boy who lived, and a Weasley, "good morning, Hermione.", Y/N said, and walked towards them

The two boys looked at each other, giving each other looks, as if they were communicating without speaking. Hermione kicked their feets under the table, making them stop, and smile forcefully at Y/N, "good morning, Eve.", they both said in unison.

Hermione rolled her eyes, and looked back at Y/N, a kind smile on her face, "please, do join us for breakfast."

The girl looked at the boys, who say awkwardly in their seats. She sighed sadly, and kindly shook her head, "it's alright, Hermione, i don't really want to make Potter and Weasley uncomfortable.", Y/N said, and was supposed to walk away, but Hermione stopped her

"no, Y/N, it's alright. You can sit with us, whether they like it or not. They don't really have the right to get mad at you, you haven't done a thing.", the bushy haired girl said, glaring at the boys

"it's fine, really. I can sit somewhere else-"

"no, it's alright, Eve. We're sorry for not talking to you sooner, you seem like a really nice person, since Hermione wouldn't shut up about you during the holidays.", Harry said, smiling kindly at Y/N.

The girl's eyes softened, she never knew she'd hear the boy who lived apologize to her- but then again, she didn't really expect the Slytherin prince himself to apologize either.

Weasley, then, nodded, agreeing with Harry, "we're really sorry, Eve. We could've talked to you, but we didn't. Instead, we stayed away from you, just because you're close to Slytherins.."

Y/N looked at the both of them, they really were genuinely sorry. With a kind smile, the girl sat beside Hermione. She lent a hand to the boys, "please, call me Y/N."

At that, both boys couldn't help but smile. Harry shook her hand, "it's Harry for you, then."

The redhead, shook her hand, too, "Ron."

And with that, Hermione couldn't helo but smile. Finally, this nonsense was done, and both Ron and Harry were finally friends with Y/N!

The four of them ate their breakfast while telling stories, laughing from time to time.

It really was a nice breakfast.

• • •

The potions classroom was empty, when Y/N entered it. She decided to leave breakfast a bit early to get a bit of reading. So as soon as she entered, she sat down on her usual seat- the one with Draco's seat beside it- and pulled out a book.

It seemed like a second after, she was already done with chapter two. Y/N then heard footsteps coming from the door. She looked up, and smiled when she saw who it was, "how was your breakfast?"

A chuckle left Draco's lips as he sat down beside his girlfriend- wow, it was nice to say that in his mind.

"Crabbe and Goyle ate most of it, as usual.", he said, "what about yours? Saw you laughing, it was quite a pretty scene."

Y/N felt her cheeks heat up, making her look down. She cleared her throat and recollected herself, before facing Draco once again, "my breakfast was nice. I- well, i'm now friends with the trio, can you believe that?", she said enthusiastically

Draco's smile slowly faded at that, "that's nice."

The girl saw his reaction, making her brows furrow in confusion and worry, "are you alright?"

"of course, i am.", Draco said, "it's just that, now that you are friends with them, you might spend more time with them more than me.", he said, a sigh escaping his lips

Y/N softly chuckled, and cupped his cheek, "please, i'm most likely to spend my whole life with you, don't you think that's enough?"

At that, Draco looked at her, a surprise look on his face, "you want to spend your whole life with me?"

The girl, without another thought, nodded, "of course, don't you?", she asked, worried.

Draco chuckled, and pecked her lips, "i do."

Y/N smiled lovingly, and leaned in again, but was cut off by a person clearing their throat.

The couple pulled away from each other, then looked at the doorway. There, they saw professor Snape, who was trying to hide a grin, "i see you both worked it out?"

Draco smiled shyly, "yes, professor."

Snape nodded, "good for you. You'll do bettee in school, now that you're together again.", he said, and walked towards the front.

Students came in not a few minutes after, since classes were about to start.

Y/N looked at Draco, and smiled. She squeezed the blonde's hand under the table, and soon, Snape started the class, without even taking house points from anyone.

Let's just say the news put him in a good mood the whole day.


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