•XXXIII - And It All Started With A Bet•

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THE MORNING was cold, the snow fell by the window, but Y/N was nice and warm in her husband's arms.

slowly, Draco woke up, a smile making its way to his face seeing his wife sound asleep on his chest. he leaned down, and kissed the top of her head, making her shift awake.

Y/N smiled at the blonde, and stared into his dazzling silver eyes, "Good morning," she said, "And happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, to you, too," Draco said, and was supposed to lean down to kiss his wife's lips when their bedroom door opened wide, showing two four year olds running towards them.

"Mum, dad, it's Christmas!" they said in unison.

chuckling lightly, Y/N Malfoy sat up, and enveloped her kids in a tight hug, "Happy Christmas, my loves," she said.

both Jeanette, and Scorpius kissed her cheeks, making Draco frown, "No Christmas kisses for me?" he asked, making the kids laugh, and tackle him in a huge hug.

Y/N smiles at the scene, she couldn't believe that after years, they would be here right now, being one happy family. they've had a good share of arguments, but nothing big, and even if they had one, they've learnt there lesson to just talk about it instead of doing reckless things- such as drowning themselves, and 'sleeping' with other girls.

of course, Y/N didn't like what he did, but he didn't actually did it, and everyone makes mistakes, it's just one's decision to forgive or not, and the woman decided to just live with the life she has now. she never wants to think about what would have happened if she never forgave Draco- she loves the life she has now, and she will never want to exchange it with anything

Jeanette jumped into her mother's arms, while Scorpius stayed with his father. the twins pretty much looked like each other- besides the fact that Scorpius had platinum blonde hair just like his father's, and Jeanette had her mother's.

and personality wise, Scoprius had Y/N's attitude more, and Jeanette had Draco's.

the twins are inseparable! they like being together always, they do a lot of things together. and Scorpius- being the older twin by literally a few minutes- is very protective of Jeanette, which Y/N thinks is very sweet. 

Jeanette would get a scratch from running around so much, so Scorpius would get a plaster, and even though he doesn't know how to put it on properly, he still tries. and afterwards, he would hug her sister, and tells her that it's alright.

"Presents?" asked Jeanette.

both Draco and Y/N chuckled, nevertheless, they just stood up, and let their kids lead them downstairs, and towards the living room.

the next thing they knew, gift wrappers were all around the place, and happiness was everywhere- you could really feel the Christmas spirit.

Y/N left for a moment, and made two cups of hot cocoa, and afterwards, she came back, and saw that there was one gift left- since the couple let their kids open theirs.

"Why haven't you opened them all?" she asked the kids as she gave one cup to Draco. she sat down beside her husband, and gave the the twins a questioning look, but they just giggled.

"This is for the both of you," said Jeanette, and gave the small box to to her parents.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but accepted the box, "From the two of you?" he asked.

Scorpius nodded, "We wanted to thank the two of you for being the best parents in the world!" he said.

Y/N smiled at the twins in awe- she was so lucky to have them, "You didn't have to- the two of you are the greatest gifts we could've gotten."

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