•XXIII - Valentine's Day•

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Y/N ENTERED the great hall, along with the golden trio. And the first thing she noticed were the bright red hearts floatimg around, and well, the cheesy couples sitting beside each other, basically snogging.

The girl cringed at the scene. She followed the trio to the Gryffindor table, not before flashing Draco a bright smile, ofcourse.

All of them sat down, and immediately grabbed some food. Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "you're not having breakfast with Malfoy on Valentine's Day?"

Shaking her head, Y/N gave the bushy haired girl a smile, "nah, we don't want to be that couple. Time apart is beneficial, you know?", she said, and ate a spoonfull of her food, "besides, i'm sure the professors have had enough of the snogging. Especially professor Snape."

The three looked at the head of the Slytherins, and there was a look of disgust on his face. Wasn't surprising at all.

"i'm pretty sure the only couple that he likes is you and Malfoy.", Weasley said with a laugh, and went back to his food. Y/N couldn't help but blush a bit, because of that.

Harry chuckled, "i'm certain of that, too."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "oh, just finish your food so we could go to Hogsmeade!", she said, making Y/N laugh.

The three went back to their food, throwing in some questions about homeworks and such, here and there, but Y/N was just silent, because she felt someone staring at her.

She looked around, the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, none. She didn't see anyone from their tables looking at her.

But she looked at the Slytherin table. She expected Draco, but it wasn't him. He was engaged in a conversation with Theodore Nott.

Even though she didn't want to, she glanced at Blaise, but it wasn't him either. Although, after awhile, the dark skinned boy felt her gaze, and looked up at her. He gave her a smirk and a wink, making Y/N shake her head, and gag inside.

Finally, Y/N looked at the end of the Slytherin table. There, she saw who's been staring at her.

Astoria Greengrass.

Slytherin, and was just a year below her. Draco's ex girlfriend. The one who the blonde actually loved.

Even though she said it as past tense in her mind, Y/N felt a bit jealous, because the Slytherin was someone Draco used to love. Well, now she knows that the blonde loves her, but still.

She can't evem compare herself to Astoria. She's pretty, she's a Slytherin, she's everything Y/N's not. She's perfect for Draco.

Astoria's eyes slightly widen, when she noticed she was caught, so she looked down to her food, and just hoped for Y/N to look away.

With a sigh, the Gryffindor just continued eating her food, and tried to think about something else other than comparing herself to someone like Astoria.

Because in her mind, she would never win.

• • •

"Sure you're not coming with us? You can bring Draco along, too!"

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully as she heard Hermione try to get her to go with them to Hogsmeade for the third time.

She put Draco's letter back inside its envelope. It said that he'll be coming up to the Gryffindor common room to see her, after everyone leaves which was not long enough.

Hermione looked at her with pleading eyes, making her laugh, "why do you even want me to go with you?"

"because! It will be fun, like a triple date! Ginny's gonna be there, too!", the bushy haired girl said enthusiastically.

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