•XI - Greatest Decision•

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ANOTHER HOGSMEADE weekend came, just as fast as the fastest broom that exists

And being the cliche person he is, Draco decided to ask Y/N out. On a real date. And ofcourse, the girl accepted the offer, with a blush, even.

So now, Y/N's in her dorm room, looking at her closet. This is their first real date, after all, and she wanted to dress to impress

On the other side of the room, Hermione sat by the window, a book in her hand, as usual, and it's annoying her that Y/N has been standing there for the past twenty minutes

"Godric, Eve, just pick an outfit, already.", Hermione laughed as she put her book down. She couldn't focus on reading, so better to just help the poor girl pick an outfit.

Pouting, Y/N sighed, "i don't know what to wear! I mean, should i wear a dress in October, while it's freezing, just to look cute? Or should i wrap myself in layers of jumpers and look like a human ball?", she groaned, "Merlin, this is hard!"

The bushy haired girl shook her head, a teasing smile on her face, "well, this isn't the first time you're going out with him, why are you so worked up?", she asked, and at that, Y/N stiffened. Even though they arent fake dating anymore, she doesnt really want anyone knowing. "but i'm pretty sure Malfoy will be all over you, whatever you wear.", Hermione said, making Y/N roll her eyes

"very helpful, Granger."

Hermione laughed and walked towards the closet, making Y/N back away a bit, waiting for what's going to happen.

The bushy haired girl rose an eyebrow, and grabbed a hanger from the closet, pulling out an oversized red knitted sweater, "what about these? It seems perfect, it's long enough to be a dress, but you wont get cold because it's a sweater"

Y/N smiled, "i forgot i had that!", she exclaimed happily, getting the hanger from the bushy haired girl, "thanks, Granger. I gotta say, you have fashion sense", she said, winking

Hermione just rolled her eyes playfully and went back to the window, grabbing her book once again, as Y/N grabbed a few more things from her closet, and went to the bathroom to change

Soon, the girl went back out of the bathroom, in her outfit. Under the oversized sweater, she wore black tights, and to top it off, Y/N grabbed her combat boots from under the bed, putting them on

Standing up, Y/N looked at herself in her full length mirror, twerling around

"you look wonderful"

Y/N turned around, looking at Hermione, "thanks. Couldn't have done it without you", at that, the bushy haired girl chuckled. Y/N grabbed her small purse (since her sweaters don't have pockets. Being a girl is such a hasstle ugh), and put in some money, and- well, that's basically it, "aren't you going to Hogsmeade today?"

Hermions shook her head, "no, Harry's busy with whooing Ginny", she laughed

Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N stood up, walking towards the door, "what about your boyfriend? Ronald Weasley, is it?"

At that, the bushy haired girl blushed, "oh, we're not- uh, we aren't together"

Y/N's eyes slightly widen, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to pry or anything, i just thought..", she trailed off, shaking her head, "anyways, i'll have to get going, Draco must be downstairs by now"

"of course. Enjoy your date", Hermione smiled

And with one last smile, Y/N went out of the dorm room, ready to finally start her and Draco's special day.

• • •

Draco looked at the leaves as it fell off the trees. He stood by the entrance of the castle, he was waiting for Y/N.

Honestly speaking, he would lie if he said he wasn't nervous. Maybe he was a few weeks back, when they had their 'first date', but this time, it's real.

No more faking, it's all real. And he couldn't be happier

As he was deep in his thoughts, the Gryffindor turned to a corner, and smiled as she saw Draco standing by the door, his back facing her

Creeping up to him, Y/N jumped on his back, making him jump. The girl couldn't help but giggle, "hello there, mr. Malfoy", she said, hopping off his back

Draco faced the girl, and rolled his eyes, "and hello to you, too, ms. Eve, or should we just fast forward and turn it to mrs. Malfoy?", he teased, making the girl's cheeks heat up. Just then, the blonde noticed her outfit, and he thinks she looked absolutely beautiful, "you look dashing"

Y/N smiled, looking at his outfit. He wore a turtle neck, under his usual black suit, and it was very attractive, as always, "as do you."

The blonde smiled, and offered his arm, and Y/N gladly took it.

It wasn't long until the couple arrived Hogsmeade. They walked through the streets of it, holding each others' hand.

They enter the three broomsticks, and Y/N sat down on a booth, as Draco, being a gentleman, went to the counter to order two butterbeers

Funny how just a few weeks ago, they went here for their first date, and now, they're here again. On their first date. As a couple.

Draco came back, two butterbeers in hand, "here you go", he said, handing the Gryffindor a cup

Thanking him, Y/N took a sip of the sweet drink, and smiling, "i could never get tired of this drink"

The blonde chuckled, taking a sip of his aswell, "neither could i.", he said

Y/N put her drink down, and slowly intertwined her fingers with Draco's, making him smile

"i'm glad things went well between us", she said

Draco pulled her hand to his lips, kissing it, "i'm glad that you're glad", he said, putting your hand down gently, but not letting it go, "i'm happy that we're together. You're the greatest decision i have ever made."

Y/N giggled, "well, you're the greatest decision i've made, too."

The blonde just smiled, and soon, the pair got engaged in another topic. They talked, and talked, about random things, making them laugh here and there, not noticing the time

Y/N and Draco were finally together, and they're happy. It's like nothing could break them apart.

Not this soon, at least.

Because behind the shadows, a figure watched the pair, his mind running with thoughts about how to break them apart

He would do anything, just to get her back

To get Y/N back.


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