•XXVIII - Not Anymore•

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HOGSMEADE WEEKEND came, and Y/N decided that she will go out, and treat herself something for working so hard.

though walking through the little town didn't feel the same without Draco.

the girl missed him, so much, but she's not ready to talk to him just yet. she knows there's only a week left before NEWTs, but she felt like even though will all the studying she's done, she still can't pass it, not without Draco.

a tired sigh left her lips as she left the three broomsticks. it was late now, and most of the students are back in the castle.

Hermione didn't go with Y/N, because he had a date with Ron, and Harry had a date with Ginny. she asked Y/N to go with them, but she refused to be a fifth wheel.

the sun was setting, it was pretty, making the girl smile, pulling her jumper tighter as the wind blew by.

but as she was walking, someone pulled her and pinned her on a wall, making her gasp in shock.

"It's just me,"

Y/N looked up, and saw Blaise, "What the hell!? let me go," she told the dark skinned boy, but he didn't budge.

he, instead, said, "I love you,"

the girl's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Let me go, now," she said sternly.

but Blaise didn't listen. without another word, he smashed his lips onto Y/N's making the girl freeze.

memories of their relationship went coming back in her head, they were happy, it was going so well.

if she was the same when they were together now, her heart would jump in happiness, and she would tell Blaise she loved him back.

but she's not the same, not anymore.

it's like as if she was pulled into reality, she pushed Blaise off her, and slapped him right across the face.

"You can't tell me you love me after you cheat on me, Zabini. after everything you've done. and why now? now that I've found someone else who I would want to be with until the end of time?" she told him, as tears pricked her eyes.

Blaise swallowed the lump in his throat, and looked away. he couldn't look at her, because he knew what he did was wrong.

but he didn't know how to handle feelings, he didn't even know what it was before Y/N came along.

what he's saying is true, he does love her, he really does, now that he's undersood what feelings are.

"I'm telling you this now, because I realized I can't live without you, I can't live, thinking you're with another man, that's not me," Blaise said, and finally meeting the girl's eyes.

Y/N didn't know what to say, she once loved this man in front of her, but now she loves someone else.

and she tends to keep loving Draco, until the end. they swore, they both did.

"I'm sorry, Blaise, but I love Draco now, and I always will until we grow old, I'll bring my love for him six feet under, I know I will,"

and with that, she pushed past Blaise and continued walking, but stopped when Blaise said; "He's not any different from me, you know?" Y/N didn't turn around, but she had her eyebrows furrowed, "Soon, you'll realize that we're the same, just don't say I didn't warn you, Y/N,"

the girl ignored Blaise, and instead, walk towards the carriages, and when she sat down, she touched her lips, a sob escaping her mouth.

she just hoped no one saw, or else this will be the over of her relationship with Draco.

• • •

the blonde was furious.

ofcourse he is, he saw it, but he didn't stay long enough to see that she slapped Blaise.

but he did see the boy crashing his lips onto Y/N's, and the fact that she didn't move- that was enough proof for Draco that she still felt the same.

he was so stupid to think that in just a few months, they'd fall in love, and have a happy ending. but of course that only happens in fairytales, and Draco's life was far away from being a fairytale.

Draco hurried in the castle, and towards the dungeons, straight to his dorm room.

shrugging off his coat, he threw it om the floor, and on his bed, he saw a whole bottle of fire whiskey.

his eyebrows furrowed as he picked up the bottle, and looked at the tag.

"'A little gift for accepting my apology,' pft, go to hell," said Draco, and instead of throwing the fire whiskey Blaise gave him, he opened the bottle, and chugging it down.

it wasn't pleasant feeling the alcohol go through his throat, it burnt, but he felt good.

he couldn't thing straight, so he drank, again, and again, until the bottle was almost empty. he collapsed on the bed, his vision blurry.

Draco had no idea how Blaise snuck the alcohol in, but what did he expect? Blaise had his ways.

the blonde stared at the ceiling, he was seeing stars, and his thoughts were all jumbled around.

but there was someone stuck in his mind; Y/N.

he can imagine her smiling, as they dance around their own garden, in their own house.

he can also imagine a little boy running out, and towards them, enveloping the two of them in a tight hug.

is this what the muggles say? drunk mind, sober thoughts?

Draco can't deny, what he's thinking about right now is what he wants, but not everyone gets what they want, do they?

suddenly, the blonde heard the door of the dorm room creak open, at first, he didn't mind it, since he thought it was a room mate, but then he heard a voice of a girl, "Draco..?"

the blonde knew who's voice that was, it was from Astoria Greengrass, his ex girlfriend.

"Astoria.." he mumbled, hoping she would hear him.

but the girl didn't answer, instead, she closed the door behind her, and walked towards the blonde.

she knelt down on the bed, and lowered her face towards Draco's.

he didn't move, he was too drunk to even think, so he was just going along with it. he felt Astoria's cold lips on his, and he just let her.

Draco knew he's gomna regret this in the morning, but did Y/N regret kissing Blaise? Probably not, so he doesn't have to feel so guilty about it.

it's not considered cheating, if your partner already did that.


Draco knew his relationship with Y/N was over, the moment he saw her lips on his bestfriend's.

he knew he shouldn't have given up on her that easily, but he saw it with his own eyes.

everything changed, it's not the same since yesterday.

not anymore.


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