•XXXI - I'm Sorry•

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DRACO WALKED towards Snape's office with shoulders down. the sun has set, and the blonde had no idea what do anymore. he felt numb, as if nothing mattered anymore- because the only thing that mattered was Y/N

but he doesn't matter to her anymore, not after what he did.

the angels and devils were fighting in his mind, saying 'why did you do it? it was wrong,' but at the same time, 'she kissed my bestfriend, she cheated on me,'

but that's the thing. he didn't think it through, sure, she kissed Blaise, but he did something worse.

Merlin's beard, he slept with his ex, and he sure didn't mean it. but what's the point of explaining when he's already lost Y/N?

Draco entered Snape's office, and saw the teacher pacing back and forth, a letter in hand.

the blonde looked at him tiredly, "Professor, you called for me?"

Snape faced his student, his eyes burning with anger, "What were you thinking!" he exclaimed, making Draco jump back a bit.

"W-what did I do, professor?" the blonde asked in confusion. what has he done that made the professor so.. angry?

Severus didn't answer, instead, he took a letter from his table, there were two- exception the one on his other hand, the letter for Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Draco took the letter from the professor's hand, and slowly, he opened it. 

the first thing that he noticed was- it was Y/N's hand writing, and the letter was addressed to him.

as he went on reading, he felt his whole world tumble down like Jack and Jill. he couldn't stand up any longer, his knees were week, so he dropped on one of the chairs in front of Snape's desk. the professor didn't say anything, instead, he sat down on his desk, his eyes dark with anger towards the blonde.

"Ms. Granger came walking in here, crying, telling me that miss Eve left these letters on her desk," said Snape, inhaling sharply, "We almost lost her, Malfoy-"

"She's still alive!?" exclaimed Draco, immediately standing up. his eyes were glassy, but he couldn't care less, he just found out that the love of his life almost died- he literally thought thought she already did.

the letter scared him. he regrets all the things he did to hurt Y/N this much that she attempted to kill herself. he tried to push away the thought of her limp body on the ground, not breathing- but he couldn't. a mix of guilt and pain ran through his veins, this is all his fault.

as he was about to walk out, Snape stopped him by shutting the door with his wand, "Where are you going?! we're not done yet, Malfoy," he said.

Draco couldn't help but let out his tears. 

the blonde once again let himself fall on the chair in front of Snape's desk, as he wiped his tears away. he didn't know how to feel anymore, his feelings were all rumbled up. he leaned his elbows on his knees, and covered his face, "I'm sorry professor- I've let her down, and I.. I don't know how I can forgive myself."

the professor's anger disappeared, but it changed into pity. pity for the young couple- they're going through something, and they were too fast to give up. they didn't even try to fix it, they just- broke each other's hearts.

a sigh left Snape's lips, "It's good that the Eves haven't heard of this," he said, raising the last letter on the table, "If they knew, I don't suppose they'd still let their let you see their daughter- ever."

the thought of not seeing Y/N anymore frightened Draco. he didn't want things to happen like that- he still wants to be with her, build a family with her, grow old with her. he still wants to do a lot of things. with her.

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