•X - Stop Pretending•

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ANOTHER WEEK has passed, and both Y/N and Draco still haven't talked

They honestly don't know why they're ignoring each other. There wasn't a reason to. They were just being cowards, and not talking about what should be talked about.

Their feelings

Because obviously, none of it are fake. Even though how many times they deny it, it was for sure that they liked each other

It was obvious.

And Y/N couldn't help but think about it as she sits in Potions. She was sitting with Draco, because that's where her usual seat is

But they don't talk, even though it was obvious the blonde wanted to start a conversation.

The past two weeks, when they brew a potion, they would do it quietly, and they'll only speak if they had to, or well, Y/N

Draco tried to start conversations, but it always ends up them being awkward, so he's just waiting for the right time.

Finally, after what seemed like a century, class was over, and students started to pack their stuff away

And before Draco could even put his books in his bag, Y/N already left the classroom

Sighing, the blonde slinged on his satchel, and was supposed to walk out of the door, when the professor called him

"yes, professor?", he asked once he was at Snape's desk

The intimidating teacher rose an eyebrow, "what happened to Y/N? Sure, she's not failing anymore, but i know something happened. And it's about you"

"nothing happened, professor.", the blonde lightly smiled, "maybe she's just tired, or something"

Snape sighed, "tired for the entire week?", he asked, "look, Malfoy, i don't know what you did, but you have to fix it."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "i didn't do anything, professor"

"are you certain?"

At that, the blonde went speechless. It was true, if he didn't try to kiss her, maybe if he didn't do that, maybe the both of them are still friends

If you can even call them that

Clearing his throat, Draco said, "it's just awkward between us, is all"

Snape's lips curled up a little, "got into a lover's quarrel, i see?"

"we're not-", the blonde stopped, he didn't know if the professor knew, so he decided to say, "just a little misunderstanding"

At that, the black haired man nodded, "well then, i suggest you fix that before tommorow, Malfoy. She's a nice girl, and i'd rather you have her, than Zabini."

The blonde nodded, a smile creeping up his face. The professor was almost like a father to the girl, so did he just get permission?

But still, that didn't change the fact that he still needed to talk to her.

Sighing one last time, Draco said, "i'll try to fix the problem, professor"

Snape shook his head, and intimidatingly looked at the blonde man

"don't try, do it."

• • •

Classes were done for the day, and Y/N sat by the tree by the Black Lake, a book in hand

This was one of her favorite places in Hogwarts

The calming smell of the water, and the crunching leaves, the trees, it was very calming.

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