Chapter 2: One Chance

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I stare up at Cole in disbelief. He says that we're dating yet he didn't ask me? He just stated it. Wait, why do I care if he asks me or not? This is technically illegal to kidnap a minor. I should be worried about if I'm gonna be able to go home. Cole could see the mixed emotions on my face. However, a small part inside of me has butterflies floating around when he said we were dating. I couldn't help but mentally smile a little bit.

"I know I didn't ask you properly and that's because I felt like you wouldn't have given me a chance. There's a lot of talk that goes around about us, but that's not who we really are. All I'm asking for is a chance Leah, please?" Cole begs. He climbs off and sits in front of me only to pull my body a little closer to him. I bite my lip, thinking. Well now that I know he means no harm and he wasn't going to take advantage of me, why does he want me to be with him? We never once talked before, unless you count the quick glances in the hallways of school.

A little part of me was screaming no and it sounded like the most reasonable side. However, there was a strike of curiosity when it comes to Cole and his group of friends. I know people can do bad things, but why does that make them bad people? They might have their reasons for treating Matt the way that they did and for bringing me here unwillingly. I take a deep breath. Am I seriously considering this? I think the students at school would look at me like I had grown a second head, but I think I really want to do this. When Cole touches me, there's an unexplainable feeling that erupts throughout my body. I've never made contact with Cole other than today, so why does my body already fee like this? I know that Cole has a heart, everyone does, so why should I single him out? Maybe he's not as fearful as everyone leads him on to be.

I take in a deep breath and let the words flow out slowly. "Okay . . . I'll give you a chance."

"Thank you!" He wraps his strong arms around my body and gives me a big hug, almost crushing the life out of me. No like seriously it was kinda hard to breathe right now. Damn he's that strong? I could even feel his muscles sort of flexing under me. Damn. I bite my lip again nervously and wish he wouldn't do that since I'm having many bad thoughts right now. Shaking my head, I try to get rid of the thoughts. Stupid mind. Stay focused Leah!

"C-cole, you're kinda c-crushing me." He instantly lets me go, and scans over my body to see if anything is 'bruised.'

"Are you okay?" Cole asks with concern as his eyebrows furrow at me. I nod my head and he lets go a breath of relief. He shouldn't worry so much, I'm fine really. We both lay back onto the soft white sheets, the pillow just above our heads as we sink into the mattress. Cole stares at me from my right side, and he lets go of a breath, relaxing. My body instantly melts next to his warm and firm physique. It felt so weird being next to a guy on a bed, acting as if I've done this before. Why was it so comfortable being with Cole? My emotions swarmed around inside me; I felt overwhelmed on another level.


"Yes beautiful?" He questions. A tiny smile tugs at my lips, but I look away before he could see it.

"You're really warm, you know that right?" He chuckles at my comment. His laugh. His smile. I've never been this close to him before today. Actually, I've never been this close to any guy other than Matt when he hugs me.

"Yes, I know." I didn't even have to look at him to know he has a smirk plastered onto his soft pinkish lips.

We both doze off into slumber until I had to wake up and go home for school tomorrow. But the very next morning, I couldn't believe what I had just agreed to. Dating Cole; the guy I feared because of all the bad things I've heard? Or maybe I don't fear him as much anymore. It still felt like maybe I had made the wrong decision, but then it also feels right for giving him a second chance to prove to me he isn't who I thought he was. There could be a chance that I misjudged him, but I wasn't sure yet.

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