Never Underestimate Me (Chapter 12)

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Leah's P.O.V~

"Ugh do I have to!! You know I'm already lazy at running, so why are you making me train?" My shoulders slumped forward in a non lady like way. Cole wants me to train so that I could protect myself when he isn't there to do it for me. So right now I'm gross and sweaty and tired, and we've only been doing this for ten minutes. He hasn't even broken a sweat yet!

"Yes you have to, I want you to prove some people here wrong. They shouldn't even underestimate you anyways." His fist clenched thinking about this morning. I honestly didn't care what they thought about me. Its their opinion and I can't change that....unless I prove them wrong.

Ugh now I feel like proving them wrong to make a point.

"Cole it's fine, I'll do it, just don't go killing people." I said sarcastically. Judging by the look on his face, he looked like he would do it. I rolled my eyes at him. "You're not killing someone for something so stupid Cole."

"I will if they mistreat me or you." I could see that he was getting himself angry by even thinking about that thought. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his chest, he instantly calmed down. He looked down at me and smiled. "You always know how to calm me down." He leaned down so that his mouth was by my ear. "Even in the most amazing ways." I blushed violently knowing what he was referring to.

He chuckled seeing my reaction which made me smack his chest. Which did no damage at all, he is a werewolf. I still don't know how I'm not reacting so badly at something like that. He's a werewolf for goodness sake's. Most people would freak out and run away, but there was just something about Cole that made me stay almost calm and not run from him. Except from the event that happened this morning. That was hilarious, I must say.

He stopped laughing and replaced his expression to a more serious one. "Okay now let's get to training." I groaned but nodded my head anyways. I couldn't get out of this even if I tried. We were currently outside, on a mat that was suppose to break our fall if we both fell. Yeah right, I'll just end up with a big red mark if Cole threw me on that. He wouldn't do that though...right? Shît. Cole stood in front of me with that hard expression again.

"Okay so I'm gonna teach you the basics, I want you to punch me." He said it like it was nothing but to me I looked at him in disbelief. Was he joking? "Oh come on Leah, we both know you can't hurt me anyways." Oh hell naw what is he trying to say!?!

"I'm sorry what? Are you calling me weak?" I could feel the sassy part of me coming out. He smirked at me smugly.

"Maybe I am, but I don't know if you could prove me wrong." He eyed my body up and down, making a point that I did seem weak. I started to feel self conscious, I was wearing a sports bra with a white T-shirt over, some shorts to work out in, and some jogging shoes. It was a very lazy look but I didn't need to be all dressed fancy if I knew I was gonna be sweating a lot. His eyes met mine again with that same smug smirk on his face. I'd do anything to smack that look off his handsome face.

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