New Mate Bond (Chapter 13)

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Leah's P.O.V~

Walking through the school doors again, was the easy part, but doing tests all this week kills me. It's finally the finals week and I'm already half way done with them. I've been studying ever since yesterday when I came home from Coles house. How many house's does he have? So far I only know about two, but I feel like there's more. I walked to my locker and opened it when I put in the combination.

Wait, where's Cole? Shouldn't he be here by now? I groaned out in frustration. I'm always thinking about him, no one else ever. Its always him, him, him all day long. I shouldn't me complaining because I do like to be around him, its just I need to be focusing on my finals.

"You sound happy this morning." I familiar voice sarcastically said behind me. I sighed and turned around to see...Matt? I thought he didn't want to talk to me? "Uh yeah, hi."

"Uh its just finals stressing me out." I said awkwardly. What was there to say? I mean, he said he couldn't talk to me ever again because of Cole, and I tried getting really mad and ignoring Cole but you know how that worked out. Not so good.

"Yeah me too. Uh listen I was wondering if I could talk to you later?" He asked. I bit my lip nervously. What about Cole? He'll find out, won't he? Of course he will, he's a werewolf, so doesn't that mean he can smell Matt on me? I don't know how this thing works.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Matt, I don't want you to get hurt." I sighed. This is harder to say to the person who was there when no one else was. "Whatever happened to you saying you couldn't talk to me anymore? You were the one saying that, but now you want to talk to me? What's going on Matt?"

"I uh I'll catch you later? I have to go and uh study." He scurried off before I could protest. What's up with him? Why did he get nervous all of a sudden. I shook it off. I shouldn't be worrying over that right now, I have finals.

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