A Special Day (Chapter 22)

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Hello my lovelies!!! I hope you enjoyed the other chapter!! Did you? Well if you did then good.



Leah's P.O.V~

Last night it was hard for me to go to sleep, I kept waking up. The decision I made to get away from Cole kept bugging me. I wish it stopped but sadly it was in my mind the entire time. If I try to get away from Cole, where would I go? I have no where else to go that's far away from Cole. Maybe I could ask my parents to let me stay at my grandma's house for a while. She lives a few hours away and I haven't seen her for a few months.

I got up from bed and got ready. My mood today affected the way I was going to dress. Putting on some light blue ripped jeans, I got a sweater that said 'OBEY' on it, my hair down in waves, and then some gray Vans. Usually I'd wear something more cute and girly but today I wasn't in the mood to get all 'dolled up' I guess. After getting dressed, I walked down the stairs and passed the family pictures from along time ago. Can our family go back to the way it was before something in it changed? There's a slight chance but I wouldn't know where to start.

My mom and dad were in the kitchen having breakfast. Once they saw me, they said a quick good morning and went back to what they were doing before. My mom was cooking French toast while my dad was on his phone talking. Times like these, I was use to already. Of course at first it seemed weird to me and I tried to get it back to the way it was but I finally gave up knowing there was no point.

I cleared my throat to ask the question I came down here to ask. "Mom?" She slightly turned her head to the side looking at me in a sideway glance.

"Yes sweetheart?" I mentally cringed at the nickname. Derrek called me sweetheart. Memories of them flooded my mind. I pushed it away and put on a small smile.

"Uh I was wondering if I could go visit grandma for a while." I knew I didn't have to ask them since they wouldn't care. I was gone for what? A week? Maybe even more and not once did I check in and tell them I was okay. Did they even love me? My chest felt like it was hit with a hammer at the thought of them not loving me. They wouldn't stop loving me right?

"Of course you can go. Take my car and make sure to tell grandma that we miss her." She put on a small smile which I knew right away it wasn't a real one. I nodded my head and walked out of the kitchen to the living room. The presents under the tree were still there, not one has been touched. Might as well put them in use. I walked over to the tree and bent down to grab all the presents my parents got me. Which was most of them, the others I got for my parents.

It was a struggle to get them up the stairs but I eventually made it. I opened all the presents and got mostly clothes. The only thing I didn't get that went on my body, was a laptop. After throwing away all the wrapping paper, I started to pack as much clothes needed. Its still cold outside so I packed lots of warm clothes like long sleeve shirts, fuzzy socks, jackets and sweaters, and then pajamas. Most of the clothes that I packed, I was only gonna wear inside so I didn't pack a lot of clothes for outside.

It took me two hours to pack all the clothes and bathroom materials I was gonna use there. It was a four hour drive so I made sure to get money for food later on. I zipped up the duffel bag I have and the back pack. My room looked slightly empty other than the furniture there. When I went to grab my bags, I saw a black box placed on my bed with a note. What's this?

I reached over and opened the box to find a beautiful diamond ring. "It was my great-grandmother's wedding ring." I gasped and turned around to face my mom who was leaning against my door frame.

I looked down at the ring in my hand, admiring it. "Why is it here? In my room?" My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Because I'm giving it to you." She walked in my room a little more, only standing a few feet away.

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"Well before my great-grandmother died, she gave my mom, your grandma, that ring for her wedding day. My mom gave that to me after your grandpa died, she said to pass it on since I couldn't use it. Of course I wanted to use it for my wedding, but I thought why not skip a generation and give it to one of my kids? Since I didn't have any more kids and you ended up being a girl, I'm passing it on to you for a special day."

It was a beautiful gift but something bad would happen and I could lose it. I don't want to take any chances. "Mom I can't except this-"

"Don't think you can't take care of it when I know you can, you take care of things and I've seen it before. Use this ring for a special day, a special someone."

"I don't have a special someone mom." I lied. Cole came into mind when I said that.

"Yes you do, I know you do. Its really the only reason why you've been gone for almost a week. Whoever he is, I know he loves you. So why are you leaving to grandmas? What happened between the two of you?" She questioned.

"Nothing happened mom, I just needed time away to think. Things have been happening this last week and I need to get away for a while." I closed the box and held out my hand for my mom to take it. She shook her head no and held my hand in hers.

"Keep it and save it for a special day." After that she walked away. I still had the box in my hand. How was I gonna keep a ring for my wedding day? Its not like I'm getting married anytime soon.

I turned back around and placed the ring in my back pack. After gathering my bags, I left my house and onto the road. How will Cole react when he finds out I'm gone?

I know he's gonna want to search for me but I told my parents not to tell anyone where I was before I left. Cole needs to understand that I need time away to take things in and work things out slowly. I know it sounds like I'm running away from my problems but I'm not. I'm getting away from them to sort them out. It may take a few days or weeks but as long as I understand everything, that's the time when I'll come back. I'll come back to Cole, my parents, and my home.

I'm ready to leave.


Wow that was kind of a sad chapter. Well I'll update today later on so don't worry. This isn't the only update you guys get.





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