Chapter 5: Decisions

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My arms were crossed over my chest and my legs were together. How dare he kidnap me again! Doesn't he know that he could get in trouble with the police because of this! Cole glanced over at me a few times.

I could see the anger he had in his eyes, but I didn't bother to pay any attention to it. Should I ignore him for doing this to me? Yeah I think I should. I know it won't teach him a lesson or anything, but at least it'll be great to see him beg for me to talk to him. That probably won't happen though, he might force me to talk to him.

I let out a sigh. Might as well get use to this. I have a feeling I'll be kidnapped by them a few more times.

"What are you thinking Leah?" Curiosity was evident in his voice. Just ignore him Leah! I didn't acknowledge his existence. I kept faced forward with a straight face, showing no emotion. He doesn't deserve an answer.

I heard him let out a breath of frustration. Good. "Talk to me Leah, you don't want to ignore me and get me even more mad, do you?" He questioned, the frustration in his voice noticeable. I was about to give in but reminded myself about the things he did. I stayed silent, ignoring him. Maybe getting him even more mad wasn't such a good idea. What did I know? I was a nerd that didn't even know anything about love and here I am with the bad boy of the school. What did love even feel like?

"LEAH!" He shouted impatiently. I jumped in my seat and faced him. He looked at me for a second, anger in his eyes. Does he have anger problems? I could feel my body shake in fear. Now he was really scaring me. What would he do to me for ignoring him? I don't even want to find out.

My voice cracked speaking this one syllable. "Y-yes?" I managed to get out above a whisper. He took in deep breaths and let them out, trying to calm himself.

"If you ever do something like that again, you're gonna wish you hadn't!" He spoke with so much power that I was trembling in my seat. I looked down at the floor in front of me. "Are you gonna test me again?" He asked, his voice seems a little calmer.

"No" I spoke low in fear. How can one person, one human being, one teenager, do this to me? Does he practice this stuff? If he does then he surely did a good job.

"No what Leah?" He said through gritted teeth. I looked up and faced the window, knowing his answer. Since he was a 'leader' he wants respect and that's exactly what he wanted me to give him. He wanted me to be tamed, to listen like a fûcking dog, to obey him. Well heres one thing he needs to know; I'm not a dog, but right now something inside me said otherwise.

"No Cole." And that's the mistake I made. That wasn't the answer he wanted. How many mistakes have I made? I've only known him for one day and I already made a lot of mistakes. One; agreeing to go out with him, two; breaking up with him after a day, three; kicking him in the leg and running off, four; stomping on his foot, five; ignoring him, and six; disrespecting him. Wow, that should be a new record right? Six mistakes in one day.

He laughed darkly, and it didn't sound like a laugh of hysterics, it sounded like a laugh that said that-wasn't-the-answer-I-wanted. Why did you have to do that Leah! You might get us both killed! Him kill? Yeah right, he may seem like the bad àss type but he wouldn't kill anyone...right?

"Wrong answer babe." The way he spoke sent goosebumps all over my body. I wanted to escape by jumping out if the car. I didn't like this side of Cole. It's all my fault. If I only hadn't ignored him then we wouldn't be in this mess right now. Sometimes I'm just not thinking right. What did he expect me to say anyways?

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