Noise's in the Night - Part One (Chapter 6)

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Leah's P.O.V~

I could feel my body slowly waking up. Why am I waking up? Its in the middle of the night. I looked around and saw that it was dark, the moonlight coming through the window barely lighting the room. I was freezing, my nose felt cold. Why is it so cold? I looked around the room and saw that I was still in Cole's room, but he wasn't there. Did he leave me? Is he downstairs? I sighed and stretched out my body, hearing the cracking noise from my stiff muscles.

My feet dropped to the floor, feeling the cold floor against my bare skin. Oh wait its winter, of course its gonna be cold. But it shouldn't be that freezing. I got up from the bed and looked around seeing a window open with the curtains blowing open. I ignored it and started walking to the door, I opened it and looked around seeing no one here. Why am I even doing this? Its dark and I don't recognize any of this at all. Why does it feel empty? Is no one here?

"H-hello?" My voice sounded hoarse while speaking. I cleared my throat and talked again. "Is anyone here?" My voice echoed down the hall and off the walls. I hesitated at first but started walking down the hall then to the stairs. Where the hell is Cole? Why did he leave me here, alone? I stopped on the middle of the stairs hearing a howl coming from outside. What was that? It happened again but this time it sounded like a growl. Probably just an animal fighting or something. I started walking again and made it down the stairs. What do I do now? I need to find Cole. I looked in the kitchen, living room, and the bedroom doors. The only place I didn't check was outside.

Hesitating, I opened the front door. My hands went to my arms and I started rubbing them to keep warm. I stepped out of the doorway and started walking along the sidewalk to the front of the yard. My eyes scanned the area, trying to look through the woods. Why did they live near the woods? Didn't they know that animals live close by?

A growl was heard from the woods, making my body freeze even more. Why did I even come outside? What's wrong with me?!?. I turned around and started walking back to the house. I didn't even make it to three steps without hearing a threatening growl from behind me.Did that come from behind me? I could feel my body stiffening and shake from fear. I slowly, but cautiously, started to turn around seeing nothing behind me. I looked towards the woods. Nothing is here, you're just imagining it Leah.

I started to walked back to the house, but something in the woods caught my eye. It was big, black, and its eyes glowed in the dark. They were black eyes but the moon light reflected off of them making them glow. Wolves? No, this wolf looks bigger and more threatening. I didn't even have to see the rest of the body to know it was big. Its head sent down and it started growling. The stance it was taking looked like it was ready to attack. I couldn't do anything, just stand there frozen. My mind kept telling at my body to move but my feet didn't cooperate. Is this how I'm gonna die? Why would I even come out here, in the dark knowing that there are animals outside?

I starred at the animal seeing its head lifted up, but he wasn't alone. Four other, let's just say wolves, come from behind it and stood by its side. Shît! What is wrong with me! Run!!! My feet finally managed to listen and I didn't waste another moment. I ran to the house and tried opening the door. Did I close it? No, it was suppose to be open. I messed with the doorknob by jiggling it but nothing worked. It locked right away when I came out. I started panicking and my breathing became uneven. How am I gonna get in now? Ugh! Where's Cole! If I make it out alive then he sure is gonna hear it from me.

The growling became louder and it sounded closer than before. I couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears came down my cheeks, I was terrified. I stayed facing the locked door, scared to look back. If I did, the only thing I'll see is the five beast behind me. The sounds of their claws were right behind me, coming even closer. If I'm gonna die then I should turn around right? So I could take a last look at the world around me and not a door. I turned around slowly so it doesn't think I'm a threat. I whimpered at the sight before me.

The five wolves stood there trapping me in a circle, their leader in the middle looking at me. I sunk to the ground and started crawling to the corner of the wall, trying to get as much space away from them as possible. My legs were close to my chest and my arms were wrapped around them. The leader stepped closer to me, making me try to scoot back even though it was no use.

There was no more room for me to move anymore. The wolfs head was right in front of me now, and his body was bigger than before. He was like the size of a car. If I'm gonna die then atleast it'll be quick. The tears came down even more harder. I paid attention to every move it did, making sure that when the time comes I'll know.

The beast opened its mouth ready to kill me.

Here we go. Bye...


And there it is!!! Another update!!! Sorry it was short, but I have to go to school in like 20 minutes and I need to finish getting ready!!! I hope you liked it!! Sorry if it sucks, I did baredy wake up. Okay well I hope you enjoyed it though!!! I'll update Chapter 7 - Part two later on today!!!!





Thanks for reading this book!! Yay!! I love it so much!! And I hope you like the part when I changed it to a werewolf book. Hahaha that was a shocked right?





Well anyways I have to get going!!! Good bye my lovelies!!!!!

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