Ninja Mode (Chapter 26)

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I love you guys so much!!! I already made it to 6k and its only been a couple chapters!! You guys are the best!! Thanks for the people who comment all the time and who vote for my story all the time.

Shout outs!!












*If I forgot anybody just Comment and I'll make sure to give you credit in the next update. Don't worry I still love all of you guys!!* I can't stop listening to IM5, its 2:46 for me and I'm still awake...I'm gonna be tired later on. Anyways...



Leah's P.O.V~

"I must have met over five hundred people today Cole." I plopped down on our bed and spread out like a starfish. Starfish? What the hell is this? Patrick Star? I ain't no starfish!

"Well at least you met all of them today and not another day." Cole climbed on the bed next to me and laid down after taking his shoes off. (I'm currently listening to heartless...)

If I would've known his pack was so big, I would have gotten dressed in something more comfortable. I mean what I was wearing was comfortable but I would have preffered something cosy and more warm. Stupid winter weather. There was a knock on the door that made Cole groan and roll over so he was on his stomach.

"Alpha Cole? The Alpha from the RedMoon pack is here to discuss something important." Cole reluctantly got up and headed to the door opening it.

"Tell him to wait in my office, I'll be there right now." Whoever was on the other side of the door left and Cole turned to face me again. "I'll be right back baby." I nodded my head and he left. So...its just me in our room. I should get my bags from the car and unpack. I got up from the bed and went to the door. I poked my head out and looked both ways down the halls to see if anyone was near. Knowing Cole he would have somebody look after me like a damn child. Well I'm seventeen not five!

Since I was in a sneaky mood, I moved throughout the hallway like a ninja. Every noise made me duck behind anything that was in sight. Desks, pictures, vases, ect. Most of them didn't work but it was worth a try. You never know until you try. I made it down the stairs and was so close to the door when I heard footsteps and talking. Enemies! Attack mode! I ran over to the living room and jumped on the couch. There gonna find you here Leah! I rolled over and landed on my back behind the couch. Being a ninja is harder than I thought.

"Go inform Alpha Cole on this after he's done in the meeting with the RedMoon Alpha." Why does this voice sound so familiar? Who is it?

"Alright I'll do it right away-" whoever was talking right now was interrupted when the door slammed open.

"Rouges! They're attaching!" A man yelled from the door. What the hell are rouges? They're not harmful right? Well they are attaching Coles territory so yeah they probably are.

"Will, go get the Alpha and order guards to protect the Luna!" Oh it was David! Wait! They're gonna find out I'm not in the room. See what you did Leah! Dumbàss. The sound of their fading footsteps assured me that they're gone. Okay now they're gone. I need to get to the bedroom before they think I'm gone or taken by those rouges.

I climbed over the couch and rolled over so that I was standing on my feet in a crouching position. Eh no more ninja, its too much work. I stood up straight and walked over to the stairs. That was until the door burst open again and a dark brown werewolf with the color of bloody red eyes stood there in an attack position. Its menacing presence scared the hell out of me. Why is a werewolf in here? The werewolf growled at me before it started to lunge at me.

My eyes grew wide and that's when I knew; this isn't a pack member. Its a damn rouge. I screamed loudly for anyone to hear and ran up the stairs. Its big paw clawed at the stairs to get to me. I could feel the adrenaline kick in giving me a boost. Shît hurry Leah! I could hear the loud thundering growl it did when I made it to the top of the stairs. Being me I had to be stupid and look behind me, the wolf was so close to my face. My body froze completely, everything shut down that could help me get away from this rouge. I fell to the floor and used my elbows to prop me up. You just had to look behind you huh Leah!

I screamed when it lunged at me, I got ready for the attack. But it never came, the pain and the weight of the werewolf on top of me never came. I opened my eyes, not knowing that I shut them, to see the werewolf gone and tumbling down the stairs with another black werewolf on top of it. Cole. Oh thank goodness I almost died.

"Luna! Come here with me!" I looked up to see David and Will ushering me to follow them. My body didn't want to move, I was in too much of a shock and fear to get up. "Will grab her!" David demanded. Will ran over to me and picked me up bridal style. I screamed when there was another werewolf heading up the stairs. Everything around me seemed to be slowing down when the werewolf started running to me. Why do they want me? Will dropped me because I was trying to get away from it, I landed on the floor with my legs out in front of me. Its sharp claws dug in my leg making me scream in pain. David turned into his light brown wolf and lunged at it knocking it down the stairs. Will picked me up again and ran down the hall, my blood leaving a trail behind.

My vision started to blur away, black spots clouding it after. Before I slipped into unconsciousness, I saw Coles wolf by the side of us covered in blood. His head nugded Will and then pointed to a room down the hall.


Hello my lovelies!!! I hope you love this update!!!



IM5's Bailando cover is on!!!




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Until later, goodbye my lovelies!!!

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