An Old Friend (Chapter 27)

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Cole's P.O.V~

I nudged Will's side and pointed to a door that was down the hall. It was the pack doctor's door. Mate!, Caine whined. Hes really mad that Leah got hurt by that stupid rouge but he's also sad that he can't be the one to be by her until she wakes. Numerous times he's tried taking over but I kept pushing him back. I know Caine, I'm sad about it too. Don't worry whoever planned this is dead, I replied.

How did rouges find out about us? I barely made it public today! I growled in frustration. I was still in wolf form and I think I should be turning back now.

'Will take care of your Luna, I'm gonna be gone for a while. When she wakes up tell me so that I can come and be there for her.' I mind-linked Will.

'Okay Alpha, I will guard our Luna with my life.' I nodded and left down the hall to our room. Pushing open the door, I turned back to human form and got dressed in the classy look I always do. I want mate! Caine growled and whined after. I sighed knowing he'll keep saying that until he sees our mate. The part that sucks is that Leah doesn't have a werewolf for Caine to be with when I have to transform. Why would the moon goddess put us together to be mates? Its very rare for a werewolf to have a human mate and I never knew that would happen to me.

I just feel like I have to protect Leah because she's so fragile. Every human is fragile and I would be heart broken if she would have died today. That rouge made a mistake of attacking my mate! Whoever ordered those rogue's to harm my mate, then they better consider themselves dead. One thing everyone knows about me is that I get revenge on those who harm the one I love. Before I use to never stop, but now with Leah its different.

I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I grabbed it from the dresser and then hit answer without looking to see who called.

"Hello?" I said, irritation dripping from my voice. I don't have time to talk on the phone, I need to find out who set this rouge attack up.

"Hello Pendery, remember me?" I haven't heard that voice since years.

"John." I could feel the anger gathering up. Was he the one who did this!?! The rogue attack!?!

"You got it right. Did you enjoy my little surprise?" The amusment in his voice pîssed me off. He did it, that bastard!

Let me out!, Caine growled while trying to scratch his way out. Not now Caine! Let me handle this! I pushed him back with another growl of his.

"Why did you do it? Why the rogue attack?" I held back a growl that was threatening to come out.

"Because I want my revenge! I was locked up and taken away because of you Pendery. So I'm getting my revenge, starting with your mate. The rouge attack was just the beginning, there's more to come so be prepared Pendery." He threatened. "Oh and you have one beautiful mate, it would be a shame if someone took her." He added. I could feel my blood boiling in anger. This time I didn't hold back the growl, I let it come out showing him I was angry and bothered by that comment.

"You better stay away from her John! You'll regret it!" I growled again.

"Oh I'm not the one who's gonna do the job, someone else is doing the dirty work. Tell me Pendery, is your mate alone in a white room with your third-in-command? If so, I'd go check on her." Leah! I pushed open the door and ran down the hall with the phone still by my ear. The room Leah is staying in was just down the hall. I slammed open the door and saw Will on the floor unconscious and Leah gone.

"Where the hell is she John!?! I swear if you even touch one hair on her head you're dead!" I threatened. Caine growled threateningly telling me he wants to kill John for even taking her. I walked over to the bed Leah was laying down at and touched the sheets. Mate, Caine whined. Her fading scent filled my nose when I breathed in. I know Caine, I miss her too. We'll get her back Caine, I assured him and me. My heart felt like there was a whole in it, the whole that can only be filled with Leah here. I just got her back and now she's gone.

"Don't worry Pendery she's right here with me, wanna talk to her!" I need to hear her voice.

"Put her on!" He chuckled and I heard some shuffling around.

"Cole!" She cried into the phone. My heart felt like it was hit hearing her voice crack. I could hear Caine whine at the sound of her voice.

"Leah baby, don't worry I'm gonna get you back. I miss you so much, just don't get yourself into trouble." Knowing John for so long, he doesn't like it when people disrespect him. So imagine how he reacted when I got him taken away and locked away.

"I miss you too, please hurry I'm scared." Her voice cracked at the last word. I heard her scream on the other side of the phone. Caine and I became very alerted.

"Enough of that cupcake, Gerard take her to the cell." I growled loudly enough for John to hear. The cell, she's not a damn animal!

"Put her back on John!" I demanded into the phone.

"No, that was enough talking for today. Now I want to make a deal with you." Always deals with him. Never anything else.

"What do you want?" I gritted through my teeth. If it means I'm getting Leah back then I'll do it for sure.

"I want you to do a special job for me."

This is just like him. Having someone else doing his dirty work so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty. I need Leah back, me and Caine need Leah back.

"I'm in." I love you Leah.


Hello my lovelies!!! I'm sorry for the late update!!! I was soo busy today and I went to eat with my family earlier so it's a late update.




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Until later, goodbye my lovelies!!!

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