Baby Doll, Beautiful, Sweetheart (Chapter 16) SURPRISE UPDATE

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Hello my lovelies!!! So I decided to give you guys a surprise update!!! Even though it took forever!!! Ugh! I may do these surprise updates often so your welcome!!! This one is for you guys!!



Leah's P.O.V~

Here we go.

The mansion that was surrounded by all the huge forest trees, looked beautiful. It had a kind of olden look to it, like it was built a long time ago. Maybe it was, I surely don't know. Cole walked us on the concrete towards the mansion, the view of it getting bigger and more breathtaking. The guards and many other people stopped what they were doing and watched us. Our every move they followed with their eyes. I could see some of the men eye me up and down. Cole growled and wrapped his right arm around my waist pulling me closer to him in a protective way.

When we approached the front door, the guards moved aside and let us pass through without a second thought. They were expecting our visit. If the outside was breathtaking and beautiful, the inside was ten times more than that. Beautiful furniture filled throughout the house, paintings of old people and famous painters were hung on the wall. The flooring was shiny to where you could slightly see your reflection.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Cole Pendery." The deepness of a guys voice caught my attention towards a man standing on the staircase with a smile. But it didn't quite reach his eyes. It didn't seem like a genuine smile. The guy had a brown beard that curved all around his jawline, his green eyes met mine, the blondish brown hair of his was spiked up. He smirked at me with something behind his eyes. I couldn't tell what it was but it gave me a strange feeling. Was it a mistake to come here?

"Hello James, it's nice to see you again after what? Years?" I could tell Cole tried to hold back a growl at James.

"It has been years hasn't it? Well its good to finally catch up with you." The way he spoke could easily tell you that he was lying.

"Oh if it isn't Cole Pendery, long time no see friend." Another deep voice echoed throughout the halls. I turned my attention to a man leaning against a doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. The scruff around his jawline looked like he hasn't shaved in a while. His hair was a bit messy like he just got up from a nap and his entire frame was well built and masculine. He had a smirk on his face and that same look behind his eyes like James. Yeah this was a mistake. I went to take a step back but Cole tightened his hold around me, the small scene making the two mens eyes flicker to me. Here I was trying to get away but the only thing I got was the attention.

"Who is the beautiful young lady Cole?" The guy standing by the doorway asked, making Cole growl from calling me beautiful. I would have rolled my eyes at him or say something but now was not the time. The man walked closer to us and stopped just a few feet away so he could look at me better. James walked all the way down the stairs and stood by his brothers side, also examining me.

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