Cole (Chapter 10)

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                             yeah its me again.

Okay well...



Leah's P.O.V~

While I was laughing, I could see Cole getting mad. Yeah his face was getting red and that's when I stopped. Well what did he expect from me? Freak out? Run away? That's probably what a normal teenage girl would do, but not me. I may seem like that normal nerdy girl, but everyone has problems and what he said is just a lie.

"Why are you lying to me Cole? Tell me the truth." If his face gets any more red he'll turn into a tomato. He kept that same glare on me since the beginning of when I was laughing. What's up with him? Was he thinking I would actually believe him? Since when does a human turn into a dog? Its impossible and I refuse to believe any of it until I see some proof.

It's been a couple minutes when I first talked. He hasn't responded so I guess he was trying to calm down. I took my heels off since they were hurting me. He took a few steps back away from me. I should be more serious considering the fact that he's mad over something so stupid.

"Cole, come on did you actually think I would believe you?" He growled and stepped a few more steps back. Why is he so angry if I don't believe him? I don't have to, so why does he care?!? "Cole calm do-"

"Don't tell me to calm down Leah, leave me alone before I do something I regret!" He growled again and this time I was really scared.

"Cole what's happening to you-"

"Leah leave! Now!" He yelled at me which almost sounded like another growl. I stood there not listening. His eyes turned black and this time they didn't turn back to the familiar brown. "Go Leah! I don't want to hurt you!" He fell to the ground on his hands and knees. The sound of bones cracking could be heard. I wanted to run, hide, get anywhere but here. What the hell is happening!?! He growled and clawed at the floor making claw marks on the floor. His hands had sharp pointy, long nails coming out of them. "Fûck! Leah please go!" He pleaded.

"Cole what's happening?!?!" My hands went to the wall behind me and my breathing increased. I could feel my chest rising and falling in a fast pace.

"Get the hell out of here!" This time I didn't stay, I ran as fast I could out of the door. I made to the top of the staircase and looked back, the hall was empty but I could still hear the grunts coming from my room. I quickly ran down the stairs and this time I had to stop when I heard a howl coming from upstairs. My back was still facing the staircase, but I didn't need to turn around to feel a presence behind me. I tried catching my breath but still breathing hard from the fear I could feel all over my body.

I took a daring step forward, but stopped when I heard that familiar growl from behind me. I couldn't think or move right now, I was paralyzed. If this beast was gonna kill me, why was it taking its time? To torture me? Scare me? Well it already did that!

I could hear its claws tapping all the way down the stairs coming my way. If I didn't do something soon I might die. So I ran and this time out the front door. My legs ached from running for so long. I made it to the front yard and then me being stupid looked behind me to see the big black wolf behind me. Wasn't that the same wolf from the other night? I came back from my thoughts when I saw it running towards me. I instantly reacted by running away to the street my bare feet hitting the wet asphalt making them feel numb. I felt my adrenaline kick in which helped me a little bit but I was running away from a wolf, that's faster than me.

I fell to the cold, wet asphalt by that thing from behind me hitting me to the ground, my head hit the ground. That's gonna give me a head ache. I groaned in pain from my elbows and knees that were scratched up. I turned around and propped myself up on my elbows to see the wolf in front of me, it's face right in front of mine and its eyes starring deep into mine. It looked angry by the way it was standing and looking at me.

It growled loudly when I tried to back away from it. The wolf leaned down making my heart pound harder against my chest, if that was even possible. It put its head in the crook of my neck and smelled me, making me think of the only person who does that.

Wait. The only person who does that.

The only person who smells me when he puts his head between my neck. The only person whos eyes change. The only person who growls like an animal. The only person who clawed at my floor making claw marks. The only person who tried explaining to me that he was a werewolf but I didn't listen. That person was here in front of me, smelling me like he does.

"Cole." My voice came out weak and light, almost cracking. It lifted its head up at the sound of my voice and nodded its head, understanding me. "Cole, your're in there?" Again it nodded its head. I laid there in shock and in pain. No, noitcan'tbe. But he did tell me the truth and show me. He was standing here infront of me, showing me he wasn't playing around or lying.

My head started to hurt from taking this all in and from hitting my head on the ground hard. I could see dark spot almost blurring my vision. I was ready to let the darkness take me, until I saw the wolf in front of me grunting and its body changing to reveal a human figure.


After that, I let darkness consume my body.


HELLO THERE!!! Sorry for the wait but I did start this a while ago and I had to difficulties, but other than that here it is!!! It took a while because half of it deleted and I got mad so I may or may not have thrown something put the window.





Yeah I'm in trouble. But I get to update anyways so don't worry.




Hope you loved it!!! Make sure to Vote, Comment, Share, and Follow me!!! I love it when you follow me!!! Okay well I have to go, bye my lovelies!!!

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