Why Won't You Love Me

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Written by: Jake Sinclair, Rivers Cuomo, Ashton and Luke

Genre: Alternative Pop, Rock

Lyrics and their meaning:

Switching into airplane mode again
We're not alright but I'll pretend
Press my cheek against the glass
Just be good 'til I get back

We all know long distance relationships are hard to manage. Imagine leaving your partner for extended periods of time that can go for as long as years. That really strains a relationship. This verse is the in the middle of a tour or long distance relationship for the protagonist. 

The ground disappears
I hold back the tears
I check my phone to see your face
Staring back as if to say
Don't worry, you won't be lonely

He's missing his partner but they don't like him too much or he's feeling lonely and looking at his partner thinking, 'why can't you be here with me' while they know that he will have plenty of company with him. 

Why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me?
You imagine when you close your eyes
You're with me on the other side
So why won't you love me?

The first part is pretty obvious. However, he imagines that when his partner closes their eyes that they long to be with him instead of kilometers, oceans and plane rides away.

Few drinks deep at a table for one
The place we like to go and you take yourself home again
Three missed calls at 2 a.m.
You say you never heard
You're late to get to work and then

The time disappears
You hold back the tears
Your best girl friend just got engaged
You say you can't wait and need to make a change
You told me it's so hard to be lonely

The protagonist is drinking away his sorrows (again) and contemplating his relationship with his partner. They keep missing his calls and telling him about things that are happening to their friends (Your best girl friend just got engaged).

Yay or nay: Personally, I don't like this song so for me it's a nay. But others would disagree with me. What do you think of Why Won't You Love Me?

What it reminds me of: Myself. Why won't you love me 5sos? Why won't fictional characters be real and love me? Why does no one act like they love me sometimes? (me just casually contemplating my life)

Those who are reading this, I plan to finish Youngblood and a bit of CALM today. I have plenty of chapters to come so keep reading. Oh and the second book in this series (Unboxing Lyrics: 5sos) will be coming soon after CALM is finished.

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