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A grave mistake! A very grave mistake! I took cover behind a wall as another bomb exploded. We just got back from watching over Alex's house when parts of the headquarters were bombed. The identity of the mastermind is still unknown but I have a good feeling that the traitor is inside the group. Risking myself, I ran inside the chaotic building and tried to get in my office but there were a lot of debris falling and I can't risk myself too much. I lost sight of Lorenzo as we parted ways awhile ago when I decided to go on a suicide mission alone.

Woods and concrete are flying everyone as one bomb exploded. The people, not beibg able to sense it, means that we have a traitor in the group and I have to find who they are after I survive this. This isn't going to kill me but I know that there is a big possibility that I incur a great injury. Smoke is starting to fill this place so I did my best to walk through the falling ceiling, the thick smoke and the flame consumed walls and then into my office. I locked yhe door behind me to delay the intrusion of smoke as I search through my things.

I finally found my key so I unlocked the door heading to where I hid the Golden Box. I put the combination on the safe with my thumbprint as identification and the safe door slowly opened but to my surprise, the Golden Box is nowhere to be found. The attack is obviously just a distraction to steal the Golden Box and I have one person in mind who could've done it, my parents, well, make that two persons. I then readied my gun and left my office as smoke is starting to fill it.

I still have time to find the intruder before this place crumble down. The person may have already took themselves to safety but I'm going to gamble and put myself at risk again. I went to every possible exit I could find that were not yet destroyed until I collided with someone. I immediately pointed my gun at whoever it was but the person was fast enough to kick my hand and gave me another blow on the stomach. I regained my composure almost immediately that's why I was able to block another attack.

This one's feminine, I can feel it. Plus, I don't recognize her techniques so she's jot from the mafia orWisdom. We fight in the middle of the exploding building until I was able to incapacitate her. Whoever she is, she may have the Golden Box.

"Who are you?!" I asked but she still struggled to get away from my grip but to no avail, I pinned her more to the ground. "Who are you?!" I asked again but I still got the resounding silence. I have to make her talk before this building finally collapses.

Pulling her hair, I made her face me, her eyes are not familiar. I then forcefully removed her mask. Gasping, her familiar face then came into view. Brianna. Taking an advantage to my shocked state, she gathered her strength to push me off her then regaining balance. She was able to give me another punch on my face and kick on my stomach making me bend down a bit. She attempted to kick me for the second time but I was able to catch her feet then sway it around making her hit the wall. I saw her nose bleed and was about to give her another kick when a sharp pain enveloped my right shoulder. She took that opportunity to run to the other direction and I let her. She's not important. I looked around me and I caught a glimpse of a silhouette of another female standing before me, a gun pointed and the only thing protecting me from her is the growing fire between us. And in her other hand is the Golden Box. Her mask is covering just half of her face but her green eyes made sense.

"Alex" I murmured. She then slowly retreated her hand then initiated an eye-to-eye staring contest but as the flames started to grow, she smirked at me then started running towards the opposite direction. I didn't attempt to follow her because the flames are too big. Deciding to go back, I picked my gun and looked back one last time then smirked back. Looks like they found something in the Mafia Village.


After killing Cuevo, I immediately drove to the hospital to see how Manang Lily is. But as I was on my way, I can't help but to think on how to explain Manong Rudy's death to her. But somebody has to do it.

The Mafia Prince: The ResetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon