Part 1

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PoV: 3rd Person

It was the day before winter, and Sonic had gone out in a sweater for some last minute groceries before the snow storm coming that night. He rushed to the store and began picking out what he needed. He even got a pack of hand warmers and batteries incase the power goes out. As he walked to the line he bumped into someone.

"Oh dear," the woman he bumped into dropped a small bag.

"Sorry ma'am, here's your bag," Sonic picked up the picked up the bag for her and she went on her way.

"Thank you," she waved as she walked off.

Sonic got in line and paid. He dropped the groceries off at home and left to get firewood for the fireplace. He made many trips until the garage was full of wood. When he finished preparing for winter he laid on his couch with the fire roaring. On his table were was a white blueberry, which sonic had yet to notice. Around dinner time Sonic made himself a fruit salad, he began eating and peice of melon fell from his bowl onto the blueberry Sonic pierced the fruit with his fork, stabbing both the melon and white berry. He wasn't paying much attention, reading a book as he ate both in one bite.

"Mm!" Sonic cringe and shuttered as he was hit with the sour taste of the white blueberry. He gulped down his glass of juice to get rid of the taste and ended up nearly choking from drinking too fast, "I must have gotten a sour one," he bit another melon to test it, "It tastes fine. What did I eat?" He looked it the bowl, "Probrably a sour strawberry or something. Man I was sure I got a sweet box."

Sonic finished his fruit salad and went to bed after a shower and glass of strawberry milk. He slept there peacefully as the snow began to fall in the night sky.
PoV: Sonic

"It's cold..." I shivered as I realized my house heater wasn't on, "But it'll be colder if I get up."

I looked at the snow falling outside my window, "Better to stay in bed."

I tried pulling my blanket up and found it to be a lot heavier than it used to be.

"Come on!" I struggled to lift it over my shoulder, "Fine then," I shimmied below the blanket and curled up there until I got a headache from sleeping to long.

"I feel weird," I crawled out from under my blanket and stretched, "Huh?"

Why does everything seem... bigger?

"Eh..." I stood up and looked around, I could get down from my bed without hurting myself... What...




It's more probs because I forgot my axiety meds at my moms and haven't taken them in 2 days and I feel like a crack head. ANYWAY!

This will probrably be a short book, but a cute one with some "sex" obviously.

*Character's belong to Sega of course

Love you!

Bye bye~ 😚😚

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