Chapter 1 - The meeting.

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If Alice lost her job, she thought she was worthless, thats the only thing that mattered in her life now. All she has been doing for the last 3 weeks is research. She found out where they lived and found out how to get there. Today she was going to investigate near the house and hopefully get in. Her mission was to know their confidential information so Alice decides that she is going to be a badass chick, a sister of a member that died her aim was to enter into their group somehow she had 6 months to get the task done, her manager wanted his company to be the first to get the insides of the group. Today everything was going to change for her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**Alice's P.O.V (point of view) **I get changed into some black skinny jeans, a tight black vest, a leather jacket and some black high heel pumps. Then i was off. I drive to the woods and park outside. I put on her bright red lipstick before getting out of the car. Im so nervous, as soon as i shakily ring the bell my eyes fix with the one who opens it, he has beautiful golden eyes and i lick my lips. Well, he's... beautiful. Anyway get over yourself Alice, you're doing a job! I try to act sexual to attract the person who opened the door so he could let me in. I cant believe im doing this i though as i fold my arms, pushing my boobs out a little more, his eyes travel down to my chest and he licks his lips. I trail a finger down his chest and he bites his bottom lip. He pulls me close and i gasp a little from the sudden movement, he thought i was some kinda prostitute called by a member of his group which was very common among them.

Wow! He was breathtaking i thought. I looks into his eyes and smiles a little. Alice get back to your job! She snaps again to herself in her head. I pull away from him.

"I am not a slut" i state.

"but I would like to come in" i add at the end seductively while running my hands over his biceps.

"But you could be mine" He ends. He leaves a trail of kisses down my neck which leaves me moaning a little, i snap out of this and sigh. I push him away.

"Mac was my brother." I state with fake tears appearing in my eyes, i was a really good actor, you need that for this job.

"oh, I used to be good friends with Mac" He says with a little hint of sadness in his voice.

"sorry for your loss" he adds.

"it's fine really" i say softly.

The man turns his head to the side slightly. He narrows his eyes.

"he never told me that he had a sister, or any family for that matter, he said they all died" He questions.

"I was adopted he didn't know about me until the last moment of his life" i said with teary eyes, the boy pulls me closer and hugs me, he takes me so he can introduce me to the other members of the group.

"Im Jason by the way" he says.

He grabs my hand and pulls me inside. Wow this house is amazing! He pulls me into the living room where about 12 men and 3 women were sitting.

"Guys, this is...oh wait, whats your name?" Jason asks.

Most of the people turned to us. I had to use a fake name.

"Emily Taylor" i reply.

"Guys this is Emily, shes Mac's sister" Jason states.

I smile and wave a little.

"Hey, im Joanne!" A blonde haired girl shouts. Well shes...perky. She waves at me and gives me a big smile.

"Have you got anywhere to stay...if you haven't im sure you could stay here?" Jason asks.

Damn it! If i lived here that'll be good for my paper but it'll give a bigger change of being caught, i'll have to bring all of my work in with me.

"Hmm...i havent got anywhere to stay right now, actually i was going to get a hotel-" i started but Jason cut me off.

"You can stay here! Where are your things? I'll take them up to your room" he says.

"Well, i haven't got any on me at the moment, everything is still in Atlanta, it should be arriving later today." Well that was actually true.

"I'll show you to where you will be staying" Jason snaps. What got into him?

He toke me upstairs and stopped outside of a door, he opened the door and left. I walk in and my eyes widen. This was amazing! He walls were cream and white, there was a reasonable sized balcony, two more doors which i guessed led to the bathroom and the closet, there was a king sized bed with cream and white sheets, opposite the bed was a big tv hanging from the wall. There was a vanity table, a desk and a couple of shelfs around the room.

I could get used to this.

[[this is my first ever fan fiction or story all together for me so its crap but please give me a break. i hope you like this so far, im a really crap writer but im hoping to get better as i go along. Tell me what you think so far and what should happen next]]

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