Chapter Two: Attraction

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Chapter Two: Attraction

The party was in full swing by the time Isobel made her reappearance. It had taken the brunette a little longer than she intended to get back to the scrapyard, but now that she was here she realized just how long it had been since she had shown her face at a Mayan party. Isobel made her way over to the large bonfire that was burning brightly, illuminating the scrapyard. A smile found it's way onto her face as she took in her brother sitting around the bonfire drinking a beer and sharing a few laughs with his Mayan brothers.

"What's so funny, hermano?" Isobel asked raising her eyebrow and placing her hands on her hips. She let out a small laugh as the laughing ceased and the men turned their heads to look at her.

"Nothing." Taza said with a smile as he shook his head. "Let's go get you a drink." He said as he excused himself from the bonfire and led Isobel towards the clubhouse. "How's my little sobrina doing?" Taza asked lovingly as he asked EZ for two beers.

"She's great." Isobel said while mouthing a 'thank you' to EZ as he placed a beer in front of her. "She's been asking about visiting her Tio." The brunette said while taking a long sip of her cold beer.

Isobel loved the relationship her brother had with her daughter. Taza was the father figure Nina needed in her life since her father wasn't around, and he took that role very seriously. It wasn't only Taza who took on that role, most of the members of the Mayans made sure to be positive influences in Nina's life and Isobel was grateful for that.

"We'll have to do dinner soon." Isobel said once she swallowed the beer in her mouth. A small grimace took over her face as the beer made it's way down her throat. The brunette had never been a big beer drinker and no matter how many times she drank beer she could never get use to its taste. "I'll make my famous tamales." She promised knowing her brother could never resist some of her homemade cooking.

"I'm in." Taza smiled. He could never turn down a home cooked meal from Isobel nor could he turn down family time with her and his niece.

"If Isobel is making tamales count me in too." Isobel jumped at the sound of Bishop's voice, causing him to let out a small laugh.

"Don't give the chica a heart attack, primo." Marcus said through a chuckle. "Hello, querida." He said with a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth.

Isobel turned around giving Bishop a playful glare before turning her attention to Marcus Alvarez. "Hi, Marcus." She said with a smile on her face. "It's good to see you again."

Isobel had always had a slight school girl crush on the older man standing in front of her. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was about him that made her fill with desire. Maybe it was his swagger or the way he talked, but whatever it was it made Isobel look lustily at the Mayans mother charter President.

"You too, querida." Marcus smiled while placing a kiss on her cheek. He chuckled to himself as he noticed her tan cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

Isobel wanted to crawl into a hole and bury herself. She could feel the heat on her cheeks once Marcus presses his lips against it, and she was certain he noticed it too by the smirk on his face. Jesus Christ. She was a woman in her thirties not some teenager. A kiss on the cheek from a man she had known for many years shouldn't make her act like some lovesick adolescent.

"How's your mija?" Marcus asked as EZ placed a shot of tequila in front of him.

"She's great." Isobel repeated her words from earlier. "She's got an attitude on her though." The brunette said shaking her head.

Nina was more like eight going on eighteen, and some days Isobel wondered if that old saying of you get back twice what you gave your parents was really true, because if it was she was fucked when Nina actually hit her teenage years.

"She gets that from you hermana." Taza pointed out with a laugh.

"Como si fueras uno para hablar, cabron." Isobel teased with a sweet smile on her face, causing all the men around her to choke on their drinks before howling with laughter.

"I think you just proved his point, querida." Marcus chuckled as he sat down on the bar stool next to her.

Isobel shrugged as she removed her body from the bar stool, her body brushing against Alvarez's in the process. The brunette could feel her face heat up once again and she knew she needed to make her way out of the clubhouse before she embarrassed herself anymore in front of him.

"Leavin' already?" Marcus asked while pushing the lust he felt aside as Isobel's body brushed up against his. Marcus Alvarez always found Isobel Romero attractive, but he refused to act on his attraction for the brunette Latina. He had too much respect for her brother and her to get romantically involved with her.

"No." She shook her head. "Just going to get some air, Padrino." Isobel said with a grin before making her way out of the stuffy clubhouse.

Alvarez watched Isobel walk away, his eyes glued to her body. Something inside of him stirred when she called him 'Padrino'. It definitely inflated his ego even more to hear it come from her lips.

"Prospect," Marcus called to the younger Reyes brother standing behind the bar. "another one." He said while holding up his empty shot glass. It was still early in the night and Marcus had a feeling he was going to need a lot of tequila to keep his mind off of Isobel Romero.

querida - darling
como si fueras uno para hablar - like you're one to talk
cabrón - asshole
hermana - sister
Hermano - brother


A/N: Thank you for the votes and comments! Kind of wanna start a Nestor story but idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ kind of wanna start taking request of one shots for Mayans &   SONS. This damn quarantine has me bored. I hope everyone is staying save!

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