Chapter Ten: Yellow Roses

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Chapter Ten: Yellow Roses

Isobel woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon filling her small home the next morning. The brunette let out a deep yawn before stretching her body, letting out a content sigh once she felt her back crack. Isobel tossed the blankets off of her body and removed herself from her bed, a small shock was sent through her body as her feet touched the cold wooden floor. She quickly slid her feet into her favorite pair of slippers before making her way out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen.

Isobel's brown eyes landed on EZ and Nina standing at the stove, the latter laughing at EZ as he tried to flip a pancake before it burned. A smile formed on Isobel's face as she watched them, it was such a nice normal sight to see and it made her happy, and for a moment it made her forget about the night before with Marcus. She shook her head as a small groan left her lips. What the fuck had she been thinking last night? Honestly she wasn't thinking at all. Isobel knew nothing could ever happen between her and Marcus no matter how much she wanted it to, but she couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up as her mind wandered to his lips pressed against hers.

"Hi, ma!" Nina said with enthusiasm and a wide smile on her face.

"Hi, bebé." Isobel said as Nina's voice pulled her away from her thoughts. "Are you making EZ cook breakfast?" She asked with a laugh as she walked towards her daughter and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"No." The small brunette shook her head while eyeing EZ. "He offered." She said matter of fact while EZ let out a small chuckle.

"Uh huh." Isobel hummed with a raised eyebrow. "How about you go and get dressed and I'll finish helping EZ." Isobel's words weren't a suggestion and Nina knew that as she nodded and skipped towards her bedroom.

Isobel took over the spot that Nina stood in seconds ago and placed a few pieces of bacon into the frying pan. The brunette looked over at EZ, her brown eyes taking in the concentrated look on his face as he flipped a pancake over with much more ease his time. A small laugh left her lips as a triumphant smile took over his face.

"Are you laughing at me?" EZ questioned with a raised eyebrow as he turned his head to look at Isobel, his brown eyes connecting with hers.

"Yeah." Isobel said simply. "I've just never seen a grown man get so excited about making pancakes." The brunette said with a shrug and a grin on her face.

"Says the grown woman wearing bunny slippers." EZ teased as he looked down at the old pink bunny slippers on Isobel's feet. He let out a chuckle as he noticed her look down at her feet, a slight pink tint coming to her cheeks before she let out a shrug.

"They're comfortable." Isobel replied as she shut the burner off and placed the bacon onto a plate. "How was the couch?" She asked while grabbing three glasses down from the cabinet.

Isobel hated that EZ had to sleep on the couch, but her house barely had enough room for herself and Nina. Taza always offered to help her with buying a bigger house but Isobel loved her small home. It held a lot of memories both good and bad.

"It was fine." EZ assured the brunette with a smile. EZ hadn't slept much at all last night. He was too preoccupied with keeping an eye out for anything or anyone suspicious to sleep. The Prospect knew it was an important job he was given and it was one he didn't take lightly.

"Is breakfast done?" Nina asked as she reentered the kitchen in a pair of shorts and t-shirt with her long dark hair in a ponytail.

An abrupt and loud knock echoed through the house before Isobel could answer her daughter's question. She looked over at EZ who quickly shut off the burner and walked swiftly to the door. The Mayan Prospect pulled the door open, his brown eyes staring at the delivery man that stood in front of him with a vase of flowers in his hands and a bored smile on his face.

"Sign here." The guy said while pushing a clipboard towards EZ.

EZ scribbled his name across the paper and grabbed the vase of yellow roses from the man's hands. "Do you know who sent them?" He questioned.

"No." The delivery guy shook his head. "I just deliver them man." He said with a shrug before walking back towards his idling truck.

"More flowers?" Isobel asked quietly as she stood behind EZ.

"Yeah." EZ said while closing the door and turning around to face the brunette. "I've gotta call Taza." He informed her as his eyes noticed a small envelope with Isobel's name across it.

Isobel nodded as she turned on her heel  and made her way back to the table to enjoy breakfast with her daughter. The brunette was filled with rage as she sat down next to Nina, but she placed a smile on her face for the sake of her daughter. Whoever was sending these flowers knew where she lived and that made her fucking mad as hell, and god bless whoever was on the receiving end of Isobel Romero's rage.

"Hey, you've gotta get to Isobel's." EZ said once Taza picked up his phone. "More flowers were just delivered to the house." He explained to the older Romero sibling.

"Fuck!" Taza hissed while slamming a fist against the wall. "I'll be there in ten minutes." He said before ending the call.

EZ placed his phone back into his pocket and put the vase of roses on the coffee table before making his way to the table, placing a smile on his tense face as he tried to have a normal breakfast with Isobel and Nina before the club got there and all hell broke loose.


A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long to update! I finally have a day off tomorrow after working a week straight. This chapter is a bit eh and filler. Thank you for all the votes, views, and comments! ❤️

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