Chapter Nine: We Can't

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Chapter Nine: We Can't

"Who's Nina's father?"

Marcus' question left his mouth abruptly and it startled Isobel for a moment as she sat next to him on the couch peeling the label off of the beer bottle in her hand. The brunette had been right to think she wasn't going to enjoy this talk, because she was absolutely going to hate it. Talking about Nina's father was a sore subject for Isobel, it was like picking at a scab that you refused to let heal. It had been years since she had picked at the scab that was Isobel's father, and she really didn't feel like doing it now. Especially with Marcus.

"That's really none of your business, Marcus." Isobel huffed as she slammed her beer down on the coffee table. "If that's why you're here you can leave right now." She said bluntly while crossing her arms across her chest.

Isobel refused to have this conversation. It had been at least seven years since she had last talked about Nina's father with anyone and while mostly everyone in the club knew about him and who he was, no one ever brought him up. At least not in front of Isobel or Nina.

A short laugh left Marcus' mouth as he stared at Isobel with his brown eyes. Normally he liked Isobel's feisty attitude, it filled him with even more desire for her and he could only imagine how feisty the brunette would be in the bedroom, but right now it was nothing but an annoyance for him.

"I think it is my business." Marcus spoke through a clenched jaw. "I'm only here because of that note you got. You need to tell me who Nina's father is so I can pay him a visit."

Isobel shook her head as she got up from the couch and made her way into the kitchen. She could hear Marcus get up from the couch, his boots loud as he followed Isobel into the kitchen. "No, absolutely not. He doesn't care enough to send me some stupid fucking note, and he definitely doesn't care enough to send flowers with it." Isobel vehemently said as she ran a hand through her hair.

Marcus took a few quick strides towards Isobel, closing the small distance between them. "I'm trying to keep you safe querida." His voice soft as he placed a gentle finger underneath Isobel's chin. "I can't do that if you won't give me a name." He said, looking into her brown eyes that held a mix of fury and sadness in them.

"I don't need you to keep me safe, Marcus." Isobel said in a low voice, her tone full of stubbornness.

"Bella." Marcus said with a sigh as he placed his hands on Isobel's hips. He knew the brunette in front of him wasn't going to give him a name and although it wasn't a surprise it was still frustrating.

Isobel could feel desire pooling in between her thighs as Marcus stood there with his hands on her hips, it was silent between them as they stared at each other. It was though they were both trying to figure out their next move. "Marcus." She breathed, her voice full of want as his fingers touched her skin.

The way Isobel said his name did things to Marcus. He didn't speak as he moved her body towards the counter, smirking as a small gasp left her lips once the back of her legs hit against the cabinets. He wanted this and he wanted Isobel. "You're so fuckin' beautiful querida." Marcus said before crashing his lips passionately against Isobel's.

Isobel let out a small moan as Marcus' lips moved against hers, she could feel the smirk on his face as he deepen the kiss, his tongue dancing with hers. Isobel could feel his warm hands traveling under her shirt and she desperately wanted to let Marcus take her right there in the kitchen, but she reluctantly pushed him away.

"We can't." Isobel said with disappointment in her voice. "Nina is asleep down the hall and EZ is waiting outside." She explained to the confused looking Mayan President.

"You're right." Alvarez nodded as a sigh left his mouth. "We can't."

He shouldn't even have let it get this far to begin with. Marcus knew he could never be with Isobel, and he was cursing himself for kissing her. He'd be a liar if he said he felt nothing for her when their lips connected, but he couldn't let it happen again. It didn't matter what he felt for her.

There was something in Marcus' voice that made Isobel believe the way he said 'we can't' was different from what she meant when she said it. Isobel hadn't meant they never could because honestly she wanted to, but for some reason it felt like that was what he was saying.

"Goodnight, Marcus." Isobel said with a sigh as she squeezed past him. There was nothing more for them to discuss and honestly now she just wanted to go the fuck to sleep.

Marcus nodded, deciding it was better not to say anything else before making his way out of Isobel's house. Alvarez mounted his bike, nodding to EZ before riding off.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is short! Thank you for the views, votes, and comments! I appreciate them ❤️ I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! 🐰

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