Chapter Fourteen: Pointless

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Chapter Fourteen: Pointless

Isobel gave a small smile to Chucky as he opened the gate, allowing EZ to drive onto the scrap yard lot. The sun had long set by the time they had gotten back to the Mayan clubhouse, and all Isobel wanted to do was see Nina and then sleep away what was left of the day, but the brunette knew better and knew that would not be happening anytime soon.

"How bad do you think it's gonna be?" Isobel asked EZ while running a hand through her hair as she eyed the motorcycles parked in the scrap yard.

She felt like a teenager again, showing up after curfew on the back of some guy's motorcycle. Only she wasn't a teenager anymore she was in her thirties, and instead of breaking curfew it was a promise she made Taza years ago.

They both had a dozen or so missed calls, texts, and voicemails from various members of the club and all went ignored — per Isobel's request. She couldn't let anyone else knew where she was — especially Taza. She couldn't have him showing up.

EZ removed his helmet from his head, placing it on the handlebar. "Honestly?" The Prospect asked while running a hand over his head. "I'm thinking pretty fucking bad." EZ said with a sigh as Isobel nodded slowly in agreement.

"Guess we're about to find out." Isobel said with a sigh as the clubhouse door opened abruptly with Taza the first one out the door, his jaw clenched as his made his way towards Isobel.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Taza demanded as he narrowed his eyes at his sister and the prospect. "No one has heard from you all fuckin' day! I thought you were in a fuckin' ditch somewhere dying!" His voice growing louder with each word his spoke.

The anger that was radiating off of her brother was a kind of anger that Isobel had never felt nor experience from him. It had always been her and Antonio with the anger problems. Taza was the level headed, calm one of the Romero siblings, but right now he was anything but calm.

"Mexico." Isobel simply said, feeling everyone's eyes on her as she spoke. "I was in Mexico. I needed to talk to Antonio." She elaborated, her eyes connecting with Marcus' for a moment.

"Eres estupida o tonta?" Taza hissed.

"Maybe." Isobel said. "But, I needed answers hermano." The brunette said softly. "I couldn't stand another day going by and being afraid of being in my own house, and being afraid for Nina's safety. I'm not going to live my life in fear." She said, hoping her voice sounded more firm than it sounded to her ears.

"It's my fault." EZ spoke up. "I shouldn't of taken her."

Taza took his eyes off of Isobel for a moment, narrowing them at the prospect and before anyone would react or calm the angry Romero man down, his fist was in EZ's face.

"Taza!" Isobel yelled as her hand flew up to her mouth, watching as blood fell from EZ's nose.

"Stay out of this." Taza seethed, his brown eyes filled with fury as he quickly looked back over at Isobel.

Isobel opened her mouth to respond, but a simple head shake from Marcus told her it was better if she didn't say another word. A sigh left her mouth as she watched the men walk back towards the clubhouse with EZ following behind like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.

"I'll take you home querida." Marcus said softly.

Isobel nodded. She was more than ready to be home and have the day be over with.


"Did you get the answers you were looking for?" Marcus asked as he sat on the couch next to Isobel, a beer in each of their hands.

"I don't know." Isobel said with a shrug. "I thought going there would be a good idea, but I feel like it was all pointless." She said with a sigh. "And now Taza hates me, and it was all so fucking pointless."

Marcus stared at Isobel for a moment, see the sadness in her brown eyes before placing a hand on her jean clad thigh. "He doesn't hate you querida."

Isobel gave Marcus a small smile as she stared into his brown eyes. She could feel her heartbeat speeding up as she felt Marcus' hand on her thigh. "I like you Marcus." The brunette said. "I like you a lot." She was done keeping her feelings towards him to herself. Isobel was sure he already knew, but she needed him to know.

"I like you too amor." Marcus smiled as he placed a stray piece of dark hair behind Isobel's ear. "A lot." He said with a chuckle.

Isobel nodded, her heart swelling at his confession. "But, I'm not going to wait around for you." She told him before removing his hand from her thigh and getting up from the couch, leaving Marcus by himself in the living room to think over her words.

A/N: Sorry this update took so long!

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