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A smile filled Isobel's face as she bounced her eight month old son on her knee, loud giggles left his mouth while his large brown eyes were filled with joy. Isobel let out a laugh as Rafael reached his little hand out towards the necklace on her neck, his attention now focused on the shiny thing in his grasp.

"Easy little one." Marcus chuckled as he carefully took the necklace out of his son's strong gasp. "That's your mother's favorite." He said while picking the eight month old up in his arms.

Isobel smiled up at Marcus, watching as he looked at their son with nothing but pure love and pride in his eyes as he rocked him back and forth while softly singing a Spanish lullaby. Isobel's brown eyes wandered down to the wedding ring on her finger. It was only a few days after she announced her pregnancy to everyone that Marcus proposed to her, and then only a few weeks after his proposal that they threw together a wedding. They didn't see the point in waiting or having some huge lavish wedding — all they needed was their family there and each other.

"You starting to regret something, Mrs. Alvarez?" Marcus teased as he noticed his wife looking down at her wedding ring.

Marcus loved being able to call Isobel 'Mrs. Alvarez', it made his heart beat faster whenever he spoke the words. It may have sounded corny, but it felt like everything fell into place the day he said the words 'I do'. Marcus knew he had never loved someone as much as he loved Isobel — she was his soulmate.

"Never." Isobel said while standing up. "I have a wonderful family," She said while placing a kiss on a sleepy Rafael's forehead. "And the sexiest husband in all of Santo Padre." She smirked while placing a kiss on Marcus' lips.

"Just in Santo Padre?" Marcus questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Isobel suppressed the laugh that wanted to escape her mouth, "Well, you know." She shrugged while struggling to keep her face blank.

A smirk took over Marcus' face as he leaned in close to Isobel's ear, "Oh really? I'll guess I'll have to show you tonight then, Mrs. Alvarez." His voice deep with desire.

"Dad! Mom!" Nina's voice called out before Isobel could response.  "Tio Coco and Tio Gilly are fighting over the spatula." The small brunette said with a roll of her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips.

"We'll finish this conversation later, mi amor." Marcus chuckled.

"I'll hold you to that." Isobel smirked as she carefully took a now sleeping Rafael from his arms. "Go handle the children." She said with a laugh.

Isobel watched as Marcus walked off with Nina towards the grill, a quiet laugh leaving her mouth as she watched him smack the back of Coco and Gilly's heads.

This was her family and it was unconventional at it's best, but Isobel Alvarez wouldn't ask for it any other way.


A/N: Thank you all so much for the votes, comments, and views! And honestly thank you so much for taking time to read this! I hope you all enjoyed it!

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