Chapter Thirteen: El Palo

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Chapter Thirteen: El Palo

"You get a hold of the Prospect yet?" Bishop questioned Angel as he put his phone back into his pocket with a sigh.

"Nah." Angel shook his head. "Keeps going to voicemail." The older Reyes brother said with worry laced in his voice.

It had been hours since anyone had heard from EZ or Isobel, their many phone calls and texts going unanswered and Bishop could only imagine what trouble the two had gotten themselves into.

"Leni said the same thing." Bishop sighed as he ran a hand over his face.

The blonde nurse had been the first person Bishop had contacted when Taza couldn't get in touch with Isobel, but like the rest of them she hadn't heard or seen the brunette all day.

Bishop had been concerned at first, but eventually his concern turned into anger. He had a gut feeling he knew where the prospect and the Romero female were, but for once he hoped he was wrong.

Bishop walked off towards Taza, who was sitting at the bar with his phone up to his ear as he left yet another voicemail for his sister.

"Still nothing?" Bishop asked even though he already knew the answer.

"No." Taza shook his head. He had a million emotions going through his body, a million different scenarios playing throughout his mind and none of them were good. "Has Marcus talked to Galindo?" He asked, wondering if getting in too deep with the Galindo cartel had anything to do with his sister and EZ's sudden disappearance.

"Galindo doesn't know anything about Isobel and EZ. He said he's got more important things to worry about then a member's sister and a prospect." Bishop said as he retold Taza the exact words that Miguel had spoken to Marcus.

"You believe his bullshit?" Taza asked, looking at his president.

"I do." Bishop nodded. "Marcus is on his way back. We'll find her hermano." He promised as he placed a hand on Taza's shoulder.

Taza nodded as he pressed Isobel's name in his phone again, praying she would finally answer this time. The Romero man didn't know what he would do if something horrible had happened to his sister. Isobel had been his whole life, she was his shadow and he'd never forgive himself if his lifestyle had played a part in this.

☀︎ ☀︎ ☀︎

"Why?" Was the first question to fall from Isobel's mouth as she stared at her older brother with anger and confusion written clear across her face.

"Why?" He repeated as a short laugh left his mouth. "You come here with your watch dog and demand answers from me." He said as his dark eyes looked over at EZ. "I'm not Taza hermosa. You don't demand answers from me."

"We didn't come here to cause any problems." EZ spoke, his brown eyes narrowed as he stared at El Palo. EZ was shocked when Isobel told him that the President of Vatos Malditos was her and Taza's brother, but now as he looked at him he could see the resemblance between the three siblings.

"I'm not talking to you prospect." El Palo seethed as his dark eyes flashed with anger. "You want answers?" He asked, turning his attention towards his sister.

"Of course I do." Isobel spat as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Isobel couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the man standing a few feet away from her was her brother. He had become someone she didn't recognize - a stranger. He was in no way the man she had grown up with.

"Stay for awhile." He said with a smirk on his face. "You'll get your answers."

Isobel looked over at EZ for a moment, their eyes connecting before she gave a nod to her brother. It was dangerous she knew that, but if indulging her brother for a little bit was a way for her to get answers than it didn't matter how dangerous the situation was, she'd be willing to do anything to get her life back to normal.

El Palo nodded, satisfied with Isobel's response but he walked off towards the kitchen leaving the Mayan prospect and his sister in silence.

"I know I said this was a bad fucking idea earlier, but this is worse." EZ said once El Palo was out of earshot. "The club is gonna figure out we're here and they're gonna come looking for us." EZ said, trying to get through to the stubborn brunette.

"You can leave if you want EZ." Isobel stubbornly said as her brown eyes connected with his. "But I'm staying." She stated simply.

A sigh left EZ's lips as he ran a hand over his face. EZ had no other choice he had to stay. He couldn't leave Isobel and he was certain that the brunette knew that. "We leave once you got your answers."

Isobel nodded in agreement at EZ's words. "Thank you, EZ." She said with a grateful smile on her face. Isobel knew EZ was risking a lot by taking her there.

"Yeah." EZ said with a sigh.


A/N: Surprise - El Palo is Isobel and Taza's brother. I got the idea after season two because there was so much bad blood between Taza and El Palo, and to me it seemed deeper than just their old history. Btw, I looked everywhere and can't find El Palo's name he's just listed as 'El Palo' So if anyone knows it let me know or I'll just make one up. I feel like this chapter ended awkwardly, sorry for that. Thank you for all the votes, comments, and views! I appreciate them so much! ALSO - I unpublished 'Killer Queen' for now.

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