Chapter Fifteen: Normal

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Chapter Fifteen: Normal

"Did you pick a movie yet?" Isobel asked Nina as she walked into the living room with a full bowl of popcorn in her hands.

A few weeks had passed since Isobel's visit to Mexico, and while she felt Antonio hadn't really answered any of her questions, and while she was still receiving flowers from Javier, she wasn't letting it consume her life. If Javier wanted to continue to send flowers and little notes why should she let it put her and Nina's lives on pause? The flowers were easily thrown into the trash without a second thought and the note ripped up without Isobel's eyes reading it. Life was getting back to normal for Isobel Romero — well what she considered normal.

"It's between Beethoven and Casablanca." The young brunette said with a finger on her chin.

Isobel let out a small laugh at her daughter's two completely polar opposite choices. It didn't surprise the older brunette that Casablanca was one of the choices. It was a favorite in the Romero home, and Nina had been watching the classic movie since before she should could walk.

"Both are good options." Isobel said as she tossed a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth.

"That's not helpful, ma." Nina said with a sigh as she grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "Maybe we can invite Marcus over to help decide." The nine year old said with a large smile on her face.

"Nina." Isobel spoke in a warning tone with a raised eyebrow. "You know Marcus is in Oakland." The brunette said with a sigh while running a hand through her hair.

Isobel hadn't seen or heard from Marcus since that night they both confessed their feelings for each other. He was long gone by the time she woke up the next morning, the only reminder that he had even been there was his cologne that still lingered in her house.

Maybe it was her fault for laying her heart on the line, maybe it was her fault for not giving him a chance to respond to her comment before leaving him alone in her living room, or maybe this was just the way it was suppose to be. Isobel wasn't sure about where things stood with Marcus, but she did know she couldn't and wouldn't wait around for him forever.

"Beethoven it is." Nina said with a smile while quickly clicking on the movie, letting it play across the tv.

The young brunette knew it was best not to push the topic of Marcus Alvarez any further with her mom. Nina could tell the two liked each other, but like her Tio's usually told her, "That's adult business amor." And Nina knew better than to get involved with adult business.

Isobel grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, placing it over herself and Nina before turning her attention to the tv, a small laugh leaving her lips as Nina let out a an 'aw' at the sight of Beethoven as a puppy. The Romero woman knew it was only a matter of time before Nina asked for a puppy and she was fine with that, because that's exactly the kind of normal they needed in their lives.

☼ ☼ ☼

Isobel pulled her car into the driveway, rolling her brown eyes immediately as she spotted a vase of tulips waiting for her on the doorstep. She quickly exited the car, thankful that she had just dropped Nina off at her best friends for a sleepover.

The brunette had tried her best to explain to Nina who the flowers were from, but it was hard when Isobel herself didn't have the right words to say to her daughter.

The Romero woman quickly snatched up the vase of colorful tulips, placing them in the crook of her arm while fishing through purse for her house keys out of her purse. A frustrated sigh left her lips as she continued to search for her keys while water from the vase dripped onto her arm — only causing her more frustration.

"Stupid fucking flowers." Isobel muttered while adjusting the vase. If she wasn't worried about glass going everywhere she would of thrown the damn vase to the ground.

"Need some help?"

The voice sent a chill down to Isobel's bones. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was that stood a few feet away from her. She still knew his voice perfectly even after all these years, and it fucking annoyed her.

"What are you doing here, Javier?" She questioned while trying to keep her voice nonchalant.

His face wore a smirk as he eyed her up and down and Isobel wanted nothing more than to throw the vase of tulips at him. The brunette subtlety felt around in her purse, inwardly sighing in relief as she felt the cool touch of the pocketknife that Angel had gifted her years ago. If Javier was here for a fight then she was damn sure gonna give him one.

"I think it's time for us to talk."

A/N: Yes it's another short chapter and it leaves off on a cliffhanger again, but I can't help it lol. Thank you for for all the votes, comments, and views! It means a lot to me!

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