Chapter Sixteen: Trouble

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Chapter Sixteen: Trouble

Isobel's eyes stayed glued to Javier watching his every move as he walked around the living room, staring at the photographs on her pale yellow walls. Her brown eyes took notice of the gun tucked into his waistband, and she couldn't help but wonder if this 'talk' of his didn't go the way he wanted would she soon be staring down the barrel of that gun.

"She looks a lot like you." Javier spoke as he turned around to face Isobel with a framed photo of Nina in his hands. "Though I can see a little bit of me in her eyes." He said with a faint smile before the photo back in it's place.

"What do you want, Javier?" Isobel questioned while trying not to let any emotion seep into her voice. She couldn't let him know just how much him being here was affecting her.

"Well, you haven't been listening to me querida." He said with a shake of his head and a look of disappointment across his features. "I've been telling you to be careful and stay away from Alvarez, but you just won't listen to me querida." Javier spoke in an eerily calm tone.

Isobel grimaced inwardly when the word querida rolled off of his tongue. She didn't like they way it sounded coming from his mouth. It didn't sound loving like when Marcus said it, it sounded angry and hostile coming from Javier.

"You've also been throwing out my flowers which isn't very nice." He said with a click of his tongue as he walked towards her.

"I'm allergic." Isobel said dryly. It wasn't the best time for her sarcasm but she really didn't care at this point.

"You always were so funny." Javier said with a short laugh. "That's why I fell in love with you. I loved your smart mouth, and being El Palo sister was definitely a plus." He said while playing with a piece of Isobel's dark hair.

"Why are you sending flowers?" Isobel questioned while pushing Javier's hand away.

It was a question she had been wanting to ask for a while now, and since Antonio hadn't given her any really answer as to why Javier was sending her flowers, why not get answers from the man himself.

"I thought it was obvious." He said more to himself than to Isobel. "El Palo wants you back in Mexico. He thought it would be a good idea if I tried to win your heart again, make you fall back in love with me. He wants us to be one big happy family." Javier said while running his thumb over Isobel's cheekbone.

"Why?" Isobel asked while once again pushing Javier's hand.

"Because he wants to hurt Taza." Javier stated. "And taking you and Nina away will hurt Taza the most."

"I guess you'll have to go back to El Palo and tell him you didn't have any success. You didn't win my heart back and there's no fucking way we'd ever be one big happy family." Isobel spat with anger burning through her body.

Javier let out a bitter laugh as he shook his head. "Call Taza." He simply said.

"No." Isobel shook her head. She refused to let Taza get hurt, and she knew guns would be drawn and bullets shot once Taza knew Javier was there.

"Call your fuckin' brother!" Javier yelled as he pulled his gun from his waistband, pointing it at her.

Isobel nodded slowly as she grabbed the phone from the wall and quickly dialed Taza's number. "Hey, hermano." The Romero female spoke once Taza's voice reached her ears. "Can you come over? I'm having problems with my plumbing." She said, saying the code Taza and her had come up with many years ago for if she was ever in trouble.

"He'll be here soon." Isobel said.

"Good." Javier nodded.


"I gotta get to Isobel's!" Taza yelled as he ran out of the clubhouse and towards his bike, leaving his brothers standing there with looks of confusion on their faces.

"Taza!" Bishop yelled as he ran after the Romero man. "What the fuck is going on?" The President questioned as he caught up to Taza, the rest of the club following closely behind their President.

"Isobel's in trouble." He stated over the loud roar of his bike.

Taza didn't have the time to explain to Bishop how he knew Isobel was in trouble. He just had to get to his sister before something happened to her, because if anything happened to her he would never forgive himself.

"Fuck." Bishop cursed as he watched Taza speed out of the scrap yard. "Coco, Angel follow him." Bishop demanded while turning around to face the two younger men.

Angel and Coco nodded before getting onto their bikes and quickly leaving the scrap yard after Taza.

Bishop ran a hand over his face as he pulled his phone from his pocket. "Primo, Isobel's in trouble."


A/N: I really tried not to leave this off on a cliffhanger, but no luck. Thank you so much for all the votes, comments, and views! It really means a lot to me!

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