Chapter Four: Washing Dishes

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Chapter Four: Washing Dishes

"Chucky." Isobel called out of the odd, bald man with prosthetic fingers as she walked into the scrapyard's office.

The brunette had gotten a call from Taza right as her shift as the hospital ended, asking her to drop by the scrapyard, and while she wanted to argue with her older brother that if no one was bleeding to death that she didn't need to be there until she washed away the smell of hospital off of her, he wouldn't hear of it.

"Chucky!" She called again with a huff of annoyance. Taza had wanted her here but he was nowhere to be seen nor was anyone else.

"Hola, señorita." Chucky said brightly as he walked out from the back of the office, giving Isobel a wave. "Is everything alright?" He asked while staring at the younger Romero sibling.

"I don't know." Isobel huffed, growing more annoyed by the passing second. "Where the hell is everyone? Taza called me and told me to come down here, but the place looks like a fucking ghost town." She said while crossing her arms across her chest.

Isobel truly wasn't trying to give attitude to Chucky, she really adored the odd man, but she was fucking tired and smelled like disinfectant and her bright pink scrubs has spots of blood over them. She really hoped no one was injured because right now she wasn't sure if she could even keep her eyes open to stitch up anyone.

"I'm sorry, señorita." Chucky apologized. "They all rode out of here about ten minutes ago. I don't know where they went, but they left mucho fast." Chucky said as he filed away some paper work.

The brunette let out a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Oh Dios mío." She muttered while shaking her head.

Isobel wanted nothing more than to drag her tried feet out of the office and to her car and make her way home, but she knew her brother would be expecting her to be here when he returned.

"I'm gonna go wait inside." Isobel said, giving Chucky a smile before walking out of the small office.

Isobel dragged her aching, tired feet across the dusty compound lot as she made her way towards the clubhouse. The Latina hoped there was a clean shirt somewhere in the clubhouse house for her to borrow, because she really needed to get out of her blood stained and sweaty scrubs. The smell of pinesol entered her nose once she entered the clubhouse and normally that would of made her suspicious, but right now she was just happy it didn't smell like cigarettes, stale pussy, or alcohol in there.

The brunette threw her purse onto the bar and made her way slowly towards the back of the clubhouse, towards the small room Taza slept away some of his nights in. Isobel rummaged through the small dresser, a smile forming on her face as she pulled out a plain black T-shirt. She quickly took a sniff, making sure it was indeed clean before pulling off the bright pink scrub top and replacing it with the simple T-shirt.

Isobel pulled her dark hair from it's tight ponytail, a sound of pleasure left her lips as her hair fell in waves down her back. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked at her reflection in the small mirror that sat on top of the dresser, there were bags under her brown eyes and what little makeup she had put on was smudged. Isobel rubbed her eyes, wiping away the makeup and shook her head before exiting the small room. She really hoped she didn't have to wait too long for Taza, and the rest of the club to return.


An hour had almost passed since Isobel arrived at the clubhouse, and still no sign of Taza or anyone else. She was growing irritated and nervous as each minute ticked away without sounds of their motorcycles coming through the gate or any phone calls from Taza. Isobel had made herself busy by drinking a few beers and texting a friend from work. She was grateful that Nina had volleyball practice after school, and then was spending the night at one of her best friends.

The loud rumble of motorcycles pulled Isobel away from her phone, she quickly jumped up from the couch and stomped her way outside. "What the fuck, Taza?" Isobel hissed once she reached her brother. She didn't care that he barely had time to dismount his bike before she was in his face demanding answers. "You call me and tell me to get down here, and when I get here you're nowhere to be found." She huffed while placing her hands on her hips.

Isobel knew all the other men's eyes were on her, she was known to have a bit of a temper and they had been witness to it several time, some had even been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of it.

"Is, calm down." Taza said with a sigh as he got off his bike. "We had something we had to handle." He informed her, not wanting to go into details with his sister about what exactly it was they had to handle. Taza tried his best to keep Isobel from knowing too much, but the brunette always pushed and reassured him that she could handle it.

"You should of called me, cabron." Isobel muttered with her hands still on her hips. "You know I fucking worry about you." She said softly. "About all of you." She added while looking at all the men who she cared so damn much about.

"Sorry, mom." Gilly teased, causing the group of men to chuckle.

"Cabron." Isobel said with a grin breaking out on her face.

"That hurts, Is." Gilly said dramatically while placing a hand over his heart. "I thought we had something special." He said with pout while trying to keep the laughter out of his voice.

Isobel shook her head with a smile on her face. "Do you need me for anything?" She asked, turning her attention back on Taza.

"No hermana." Taza shook his head. He did want to talk to her, but it could wait until later. He could see she was exhausted. "It can wait." He said, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

Isobel nodded, grateful that she could finally go home and get some sleep. "Goodnight, hermano." She said, placing a kiss on her brother's cheek. "Goodnight." She gave a wave towards the group of Mayans before walking off towards her car.


Isobel was walking through her house, making sure the lights were turned off and everything was put away before heading off to bed. There were some dishes in the sink but they would still be there for her to clean in the morning, she switched on the small light over the stove before heading into the living room to turn off the bright lamp. Isobel hated keeping her house all lit up at night, she didn't want it completely dark though like you saw in all those horror movies, but she didn't need it looking like Christmas time either.

A knock on the door made the brunette look at the door with confusion. Isobel let out a sigh as whoever stood on the other side of the door knocked again. She slowly walked the short distance to the door and pulled it open, a look of surprise crossing her face as she stared at Marcus Alvarez.

"Marcus, is everything okay?" She asked quickly. Isobel couldn't see why he would be standing on her door step at this time of night unless something was wrong. Marcus had never been to her house besides the occasional dinner she cooked for the MC when he was in town.

"Sorry, querida." Marcus spoke. "Did I wake you?" He asked as he brown eyes trailed over her body.

Marcus wasn't even sure why or how he wound up at Isobel's house, all he was doing was going for a late night ride to try and clear his head and he somehow found himself in front of her house.

"No." She shook her head. "Do you want to come in?" Isobel asked while moving aside to let him in. The brunette was still confused as fuck as to why he was at her house, but she wasn't going to be rude and shut the door in his face.

"Gracias." He nodded with a smile before stepping into the house, closing the door behind him. "You got some dishes that need washin'?" Marcus asked with a smile.

Isobel let out a laugh. "You came here to wash my dishes?" She asked.

"I wash and you dry this time?" He asked with a laugh.

"Sure. Why not." Isobel shrugged with a smile.


A/N: Thank you for the votes, comments, and views! P.S. Go check out my Nestor story! ❤️

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