Chapter Twenty-Two: All I've Ever Wanted

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Chapter Twenty-Two: All I've Ever Wanted

Isobel stood at the oven with a hand on her growing stomach, a smile was on her face as she waited for Marcus and Nina to return home. Marcus had decided to take Nina to her favorite place in all of Santo Padre to ask the small brunette about the adoption, while Isobel stayed home to begin cooking for the dinner she had planned for the MC and Leni tonight.

Tonight was the night they were finally going to let everyone knew she was pregnant, and honestly Isobel was surprised she had kept her mouth shut for so long. The Romero woman had almost let it slip at least once a day to Taza, and she was honestly surprised no one had commented on her lack of drinking.

The rumble of Marcus' bike pulling into the driveway pulled Isobel from her thoughts. She made her way out of the kitchen with excitement coursing through her veins as she waited impatiently for Marcus and Nina to walk into the house.

"Hey, baby." Isobel smile once Nina walked into the house with Marcus following not too far behind her with a smile on his face. "Did you have fun?" She asked the small brunette, growing more impatient with each passing second.

Marcus let out a chuckle as he watched his girlfriend and mother of their unborn  child growing impatient. He could laugh now about Isobel being impatient because Nina had excitedly agreed to him adopting her, and he too had been impatient, but now that he had his answer he could only chuckle at the look on the brunette's face.

"Marcus is going to adopt me, Ma!" The small brunette yelled with excitement as she jumped up and down. "I'm so excited! I'm going to be an Alvarez!" Nina exclaimed as she hugged Marcus quickly before carefully throwing her arms around Isobel — being mindful of her growing stomach.

Isobel wrapped her arms around Nina, her brown eyes connecting with Marcus' as she looked at him with a smile on her face — hoping he could tell there was nothing but love and admiration for him in that smile.

"I gotta go get ready. Everyone will be here soon." Nina said removed her arms from around Isobel , and ran off towards her bedroom.

A laugh left Isobel's lips as she watched Nina run down the hallway. She could hear Marcus' boots on the floor as he made his way towards her — his hand resting on her stomach letting Isobel know he was next to her. The brunette turned, looking up at him with a smile as she placed a kiss on his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Bella." Marcus smiled.


Isobel held Marcus' hand as she looked around the table at her family. Everyone was eating, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Most people found her family unconventional and dangerous, but Isobel Romero wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. She loved her unconventional family.

"Damn Is, this food is amazing." Coco said as he shoveled more rice into his mouth.

"Thank you, Coco." Isobel said with a laugh as Taza smacked the back of his head, muttering something about not talking with his mouth full.

Isobel looked over at Marcus, a smile on her face as he simply nodded at her unspoken question. The brunette cleared her throat, effectively quieting the conversation around the table.

"I just want you all to know how much I love each and everyone of you at this table." Isobel said as everyone focused their attention onto her. "I have something I'd like to tell  you all, but first Nina has something she'd like to tell you." The brunette said looking over at her daughter who practically bouncing up and down on her chair.

"Marcus is adopting me!" The words spilled from Nina's mouth with excitement before Isobel had even stopped speaking. 'I'm going to be Nina Alvarez."

Loud cheers broke out from around the table at Nina's words. Isobel watched as each member (and Leni) gave Nina a hug, and Bishop placed a hand on Marcus' shoulder — a proud smile on his face.

"What did you have to tell us, Is?" Taza questioned as he turned his attention towards his sister.

"I'm pregnant!"

It felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders to finally be able to say those words. She hated keeping it a secret for so long — especially from Taza.

Another loud round of cheers broke out from the table as Taza quickly stood up from his chair and made his way towards Isobel, a wide smile on his face as he placed a hand on his sister's stomach.

"I'm so fuckin' happy." Taza said as tears filled his brown eyes. "This is all I ever wanted for you and Nina." He said as he pulled Isobel into a hug.

"This is all I've ever wanted for us too."



A/N: the last chapter
There will be an epilogue — which i will try and have out soon!
Thank you all for the comments, votes, and views! I really appreciate it all so much! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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