Chapter Three: Cena familiar

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Chapter Three: Cena familiar

It was a week later when Taza could finally take Isobel up on her offer of a home cooked dinner. Of course it wasn't just Taza who would joining Isobel and Nina for dinner, the whole club had found out that Isobel was making her famous tamales and decided they should tag along as well.

Isobel had been running around her small two bedroom home for hours, cooking and making sure she had enough beer for the night. If there was one thing she had memorized by heart now after years it was that the MC loved a cold beer with their dinner.

"Nina." Isobel called out from the inside hot kitchen. The brunette already had the small window above the sink open and the back door as well, but it was no help at all. It still felt like a million fucking degrees in the small kitchen. "Nina Magdalena Romero!" Isobel called louder after hearing no response from her daughter. It wouldn't surprise her if the young girl was sitting right in the living room ignoring her.

"Si, ma?" The small brunette appeared with a smile on her face.

"Can you set th-" Isobel began to ask before narrowing her brown eyes at her daughter. "Are you wearing lipstick?" She questioned the eight year old while walking towards her.

"No." Nina said quickly while shaking her head and subtly trying to wipe away the color from her lips with the back of her hand. "I had a cherry lollipop." She said with a smile while placing her hands behind her back.

Isobel placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Nina." She said slowly while raising an eyebrow at her daughter.

In all honest, Isobel was trying to keep a smile off of her face and laughter out of her voice. Her daughter's excuse of eating a cherry lollipop was pretty funny and something Isobel could see herself doing when she was her age.

"I just wanted to look pretty for my Tio's." Nina said with a sigh.

"Oh, bebé." Isobel said with a smile while squatting down to eye level with her eight year old. "You always look pretty. Your Tio's love you just the way you are, and don't ever think you need makeup to make yourself look pretty, mi amor. You're beautiful mi sol."

A wide smile took over Nina's face as she wrapped her arms around Isobel's neck. "Gracias, ma."

"De nada, bebé." Isobel smiled while kissing the top of Nina's head. "Now go set the table your Tio's will be here soon." She said while making her way back over to the stove.

The small brunette nodded and grabbed a stack of plates from the cabinet before skipping out of the kitchen. Isobel shook her head and let out a laugh as she watched her daughter skip out of the kitchen, that little girl was her whole life. She just wished Nina's father felt the same way.


Isobel could feel eyes on her as she sat at the table laughing along to a story that Riz was currently in the middle of telling. The brunette turned her head slightly to see Marcus' eyes in her, she gave him a smile before turning her attention back to Riz. Isobel had been surprised when Marcus showed up at her house along with the rest of the Mayans, she didn't think he'd be back in Santo Padre so soon.

"Your tamales really are delicious, querida." Marcus said lowly into Isobel's ear.

Marcus hadn't expected himself back in Santo Padre so quickly, but a few things had come up that he needed to deal with and he was glad he got to be here when Isobel was having a familia dinner. He couldn't get the brunette off of his mind since the party at the scrapyard and seeing her in person was even better.

"Gracias, Marcus." She said with a smile while mentally willing herself not to blush. "I'm glad you could be here to taste them." Isobel mentally slapped herself as soon as the words left her mouth. She honestly had no idea what it was about him that made her act like such an idiot around him.

"Me too." Marcus chuckled with a smirk on his lips as he watched a light blush take over her face.

Alvarez liked making her bush, there was something about it that turned him on. The woman he usually took to bed never blushed when he spoke to him, and if one did he would of found it childish but it was endearing when Isobel did it.

"Tio." Nina's sleepy voice questioned as she stood in the hallway in her pajamas. The full table of Mayans looked over at Nina with smiles on their faces and questions in their eyes. "Oh, uh, Tio Taza." The small brunette clarified.

"Si, mi amor?" Taza asked while pushing his chair back from the table and making his way over towards his niece with a smile on his face.

"Will you ready me a bedtime story?" She asked with a hopeful smile as a yawn left her mouth.

Taza nodded and held out his hand for the small child to take. "Goodnight, Tio's." Nina said through another yawn as she waved to the table full of Mayans that she considered family.

A chorus of good nights rose from the table as the men in kuttes who most people deemed scary or dangerous looked at Nina with love in their eyes. They might be scary and dangerous, but they were loving too and they had the most amazing hearts, better than most people Isobel had known.

"I think that's our cue to leave." Bishop laughed as he stood up from the table with the rest of his club following his actions. "Thank you for dinner, Is." He said while placing a hand on his full stomach.

"Anytime, Bish." Isobel smiled. "Someone has to make sure you all eat decent food once in a while." She said with a laugh.

"You want me to stay and help clean up?" EZ offered as the rest of the club made their way out of the house after saying their goodbyes to Isobel.

"I got it, prospect." Alvarez spoke before Isobel could open her mouth to answer. "You got things to do at the clubhouse." Marcus said while placing a hand on EZ's shoulder.

EZ stared at Isobel for a moment before nodding. He couldn't argue with El Padrino, that would be like him begging for a punch to the face. "Goodnight, Is." He said before walking out of the house.

"So, how are we doing this?" Isobel asked with a raised eyebrow, her brown eyes connecting with Marcus' once the door closed behind EZ. "I wash and you dry?" She asked as she walked towards the kitchen with Marcus following.

"Sounds good to me, querida."

A/N: Thank you for the votes, comments, and views! ❤️

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