Chapter Five: Family Tree

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Chapter Five: Family Tree

Isobel sat across from Nina's teacher with a smile plastered on her face. If there was anything that Isobel loathed it was parent-teacher conferences. She wasn't worried about getting a bad report about how Nina was doing in school, she knew her daughter took school very seriously which is more than she could say for herself at that age. Isobel hates parent-teacher conferences for the simple fact that she could see judgment in the teacher's eyes. The brunette was use to being judged, whether it be because she wasn't married and had a child or because of who her brother was, and usually she could brush off all the judgmental looks, but it was harder to do when the person was sitting right across from her with a (clearly) fake smile on their face.

"So, Nina is doing excellent as usual." Mrs. Hawkins said with a smile. "She's excelling in every subject." The petite red head said while shuffling through a stack of papers.

"That's great." Isobel said proudly with a smile.

The brunette watched as the red head nodded and continued to shuffle through the stack of papers on her desk. Isobel had no idea what she was looking for, but she hoped the woman found it soon.

"Ah, here it is." Isobel heard the teacher say softly with a look of triumph on her face. "I was hoping you could give me some more insight to this picture Nina drew." Mrs. Hawkins said while holding out the drawing towards Isobel.

Isobel looked down at the drawing in the red head's hand for a moment before taking it from her hand. Her brown eyes scanned the picture, the words 'MY FAMILY TREE' in bold black letters lined the top of the paper, and below it were drawings of Isobel, Taza, and what Isobel figured were the rest of the club. A laugh left her mouth as she noticed Chucky was even drawn onto the paper as well.

"I'm not really sure what insight you're looking for, Mrs. Hawkins." Isobel said while raising an eyebrow at the woman. "It looks like Nina drew her family just like it was asked of her." The brunette said, handing back the paper to the red head.

"Well." The woman said, pursing her lips. "I know Nina is very close to her uncle, but I'm not so sure it's appropriate that she included gang members on her family tree project. I mean, she even drew those leather vest they wear on each of them." The disgust was very clear in the woman's voice as she pushed her thick framed glasses up on her face.

"They're not a gang." Isobel said through gritted teeth. "And correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the project was for her to draw her family tree? I believe she did that."

Isobel was two seconds away from calling the woman in front of her a puta and walking out of the classroom, but she knew that would only prove all the judgmental thoughts the woman had of her.

"She did." Mrs. Hawkins nodded. "But, am I to believe one of these men she drew is her father? Every other student's project had their father drawn on it." The woman said as judgmental thoughts ran wild in her mind.

Isobel was left speechless at the woman's question. Who did this judgmental puta think she was? What kind of person goes around asking such a personal and private question. What the fuck did it matter that every other student drew their father and Nina didn't. You didn't need both a mother and a father to be what people deemed a normal family.

"Oh, I'm really not sure who Nina's father is. You see, it could be anyone from that gang. I've slept with just about all of them." Isobel said with sarcasm dripping from every word, though she doubted Mrs. Hawkins understood sarcasm at all.

The red haired woman stared at Isobel with wide eyes, her mouth opening and closing a few times as she tried to think of something to say. "Well, uh."

Isobel rolled her eyes at the blabbing mess of a woman, and grabbed her purse off of the floor before standing up from the uncomfortable chair. "Have a lovely day, Mrs. Hawkins." Isobel said with a smile before exiting the classroom, muttering curse words in Spanish all the way our to the parking lot.


"Hey, how was the parent-teacher conference?" Taza asked as soon as Isobel walked through the clubhouse door.

"Where's Nina?" She asked. Isobel wanted to make sure Nina wasn't in the clubhouse when she told Taza just how wonderful the parent-teacher conference had gone.

"She's with Chucky in the office." Taza said.

He watched his sister with questioning eyes, he could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong. Taza just hoped someone hadn't let it slip to Isobel about what they were busy handling the other night.

"Nina's doing excellent in school." Isobel said while sitting down next to her brother on the leather couch, seeing a proud smile take over his face at her words. "But, that fucking teacher is something else. She asked me if it was correct of her to assume that Nina's father was someone from the club." Isobel's forehead furrowed in anger as she retold the story to her brother.

Taza ran a hand over his face as he listened to Isobel. "I'm sorry, Is. I know most of the judgmental looks you get is because of me and the club."

"Don't be sorry, Taza." Isobel said shaking her head. "I can handle the stuck up people and their looks." The brunette assured her older brother. "I'm gonna get Nina and head home." She said.

"I'll see you later hermana." Taza said while placing a kiss on Isobel's forehead.

Isobel gave Taza a smile before making her way out of the clubhouse. Isobel made the short walk over to the office and was surprised when she walked in expecting to see Chucky and Nina, but instead saw Marcus listening intently with a smile on his face to something Nina was telling him.

"Hola, ma." Nina said, looking over at Isobel for a moment before returning her attention back to Marcus.

"Hola, bebé." Isobel smiled. "It's time to go home, Nina." The brunette said as she picked up Nina's backpack of off the floor. "I'm sure Marcus has more important things to do."

"I don't think he does," Nina said causing Marcus to chuckle. "because I invited him to dinner and he said yes." The eight year old said matter of fact with a smile on her face.

"I hope that's alright querida." Marcus said, licking his lips as he looked at Isobel.

"Of course it is." Isobel nodded.

"I told you she wouldn't mind." Nina said before skipping out of the small office.

"You sure you don't mind querida?" Alvarez asked as they stepped out of the cool office, and into Santo Padre's humid heat.

"Not at all." Isobel said shaking her head.

A/N: Thank you for the votes, comments, and views! I really appreciate it! ❤️

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