Chapter Twenty: The Best

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Chapter Twenty: The Best

"Do you want more children?"

The question left Isobel's mouth as she laid in bed wrapped up in Marcus' arms. Having another child wasn't something Isobel had thought about a lot — or really at all. She had always thought Nina would be her only child — mostly because she couldn't see herself finding love long enough to have another child, but now with Marcus things were different. Isobel found herself wanting another child — specifically wanting a child with Marcus.

The question caught Marcus off guard as he absentmindedly tucked a piece of Isobel's hair behind her ear while thinking over the brunette's question. Alvarez hadn't thought much about having more child, but then again it wasn't a question he had been asked in a long time. A part of Marcus thought he was too old to have another child, but another part of him could feel excitement at the thought of bringing a child into the world with Isobel.

Marcus could see the worry crossing the brunette's face the longer the room stayed silent and her questioned remained unanswered. A chuckle left his lips as he placed a kiss on Isobel's lips — hoping to put her worried mind to rest.

"I would love to have a child with you querida." Marcus said, watching as the worry left Isobel's face and was quickly replaced with pure happiness.

"Seriously?" Isobel asked, not able to keep the excitement from her voice as a large smile broke out on her face.

It was the words she had hope to hear come from his mouth, but she hadn't been expecting to hear them so quickly. The brunette had thought Marcus would want to have a few discussions first.

"I'm very serious, Isobel." Marcus nodded his brown eyes staring intensely at Isobel. "I want to bring a child into this world with you. I love you, Isobel Romero."

"I love you, Marcus Alvarez." Isobel smiled as she pressed her lips against Marcus'


Marcus looked over the papers in front of him as he sipped on a beer. Isobel and Nina were already fast asleep — which he was grateful for at the moment. Marcus loved the two Romero girls in his life but it was hard to keep a surprise from the two of them, and right now that's exactly what he was trying to do.

Alvarez knew if he and Isobel were going to be adding to their family then they needed a bigger house. Marcus had moved into Isobel's house when he made the move from Oakland to Santo Padre, and Isobel's house was barely big enough to hold her and Nina's things. He knew they needed a bigger home and fast.

It was going to be a struggle Marcus knew to get Isobel to agree to move into a new house. He knew how much she loved the small home, but in his opinion she had outgrown the house a long time ago.

Marcus finished his beer, a smile on his face as he placed the empty bottle into the recycling bin before heading down the hallway towards the bedroom he now shared with Isobel. Tomorrow he would bring up the topic of moving with Isobel — showing her the couple of house listings he had picked with her and Nina in mind. The two Romero girls deserved nothing but the best. His family deserved nothing but the best, and Marcus Alvarez would give them that.

A/N: another super short chapter. Sorry! There's probably only like 2-3 more chapters left until this is finished! Thank you all for the comments, votes, and views! I appreciate it so much!

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