Chapter Twenty-One: Somewhere New

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Chapter Twenty-One: Somewhere New

A smile filled Isobel's face as she watched various members of the club bring boxes into her new home — correction the new home she now shared with Marcus. It had taken some convincing on Marcus' part to get her to agree to sell her beloved small home, but once he had listed off why Isobel's small house no longer worked for their family and future family — she knew he was right.

That small house was essentially the house that built Isobel Romero. It was the house she brought all on her own at the age of twenty, the house that she could decorate anyway she pleased — and she did. It was the house that Nina had spent all of her nine years of life in, and Isobel left pencils marks on the kitchen wall each years the small brunette grew. That house was in her bones and it would never leave, it would always hold a special place in her heart, but it was time for it to be a fond memory. It was time to start somewhere new.

"Amor, you shouldn't be lifting things." Marcus' voice was low as he grabbed the box from Isobel's hands. "It could hurt the little one." He smiled, looking around quickly before placing his hand on Isobel's swollen stomach.

"I'm fine Marcus." Isobel assured with a smile while trying to take the box back from Marcus' stubborn hands.

It had been a welcome surprise when Isobel went for her annual physical two months ago and was informed she was pregnant. The brunette could hardly contain her excitement when she told Marcus and Nina that night — she was practically a blubbering mess. They had decided to wait a little bit longer before spilling the new to everyone else — which was getting harder with each passing day especially when she was bursting with excitement.

"I've got it, amor." Marcus said, his tone leaving no room for an argument. "You should go check on Leni. I saw her and Bish talking." He added, placing a kiss on her lips before walking off towards the house.

Isobel found Leni in the kitchen unpacking boxes, the brunette could feel the tension in the room as she watched the blonde putting dishes into cabinets and ignoring the watchful eyes of Bishop.

"Hey," Isobel said slowly as she stepped into the kitchen. "Everything okay?" The brunette questioned, her brown eyes looking back and fourth between Leni and Bishop.

"Yeah." Bishop simply said before walking out of the kitchen.

Isobel raised an eyebrow towards her blonde friend as watched her continue to unpack the cardboard boxes littered around the kitchen, paying no attention to the man who had just left the room.

"What was that all about?" Isobel questioned as she carefully grabbed some glasses from a box.

"Nothing." Leni said with a sigh. "This house is really beautiful." The blonde said with a smile as she quickly changed the subject from off of her and Bishop. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks, Len." Isobel said with a smile.

It grew quiet between the two woman as they went back to work on unpacking the kitchen. A smile on Isobel's face as her brown eyes looked around the kitchen, she could feel it in her bones that this was the perfect house for them — for her family.


Isobel cuddled next to Marcus on the porch swing, the late night breeze of Santo Padre felt good on her skin. The sounds of crickets singing filled her ears as she rested her head on Marcus' shoulder and he rested his hand on her stomach.

"Mi amor?" Marcus questioned as he rubbed small circles on Isobel's small baby bump.

"Hmm." The brunette hummed as a yawn escaped her mouth.

"I want to talk to Nina about me adopting her." Marcus said. "I want don't want her to feel like I favor the baby over her because he or she will have my last name. I want her to know I love her just as much." He said with a firm tone.

Isobel removed her head from Marcus' shoulder as tears formed in her eyes. Her brown eyes connected with his as she tried to form a complete sentence, trying to form how happy she was to hear Marcus say those words.

"If that's okay with you?" He asked, growing nervous as Isobel remained silent.

"Of course it is, Marcus." Isobel nodded a smile taking over her face. With how much she had been smiling lately it felt like her face was going to permanently get stuck like that.

"Do you think she'll say yes?" He asked.

The fear of Nina rejecting him adopting her making the man nervous. He had come to love the girl like his own daughter and the bond the two had built was one he cherished, it would break his heart if she said no.

"I do." Isobel said with a nod. "She loves you. You two had created such a special bond." The brunette spoke, reassuring the nervous Alvarez man.

Alvarez nodded, his nerves subsiding at Isobel's words. "I love you."

A/N: this is almost over 😭
Thank you all so much for the votes, comments, and views! It means so much to me

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